MyChart基于CS的Qt聊天 ThreadSerialport支持线程的串口类封装 qxmpp libjingle gloox pvbaddon MonaServer)A lightweight RTMFP, RTMP, WebSocket and HTTP server! [序列化] protobufv3 protobuf-qt [控件] QFlightInstruments飞机仪表盘 QHeatMap热力图
在master节点上完成Harbor镜像仓库及Helm包管理工具的部署。然后使用nginx镜像自定义一个Chart,Deployment名称为nginx,副本数为1,然后将该Chart部署到default命名空间下,Release名称为web。 [root@master ~]# kubeeasy add --registry harbor [root@master ~]# helm create mychart 正常结果: Creating mychart [root@...
For each of those portal sessions, we observed whether the session was conducted via the Epic MyChart mobile app or through a web browser, and which type of mobile device was used to access the mobile app (Android or iPhone). Additionally, we observed which other portal functionalities were ...
Mere Medical ⚠ - With Mere Medical, you can finally manage all of your medical records from Epic MyChart, Cerner, and OnPatient patient portals in one place. Privacy-focused, self-hosted, and offline-first. (Demo, Source Code) GPL-3.0 Docker/Nodejs Monica - Personal relationship manager...
}/** 初始化GDP图表*/functioninitCharts() {varmyChart=echarts.init(document.getElementById("gdpChart"));varoption={ color: ['#3398DB'], tooltip: { trigger:'axis', axisPointer: { type:'shadow'} }, grid: { left:'3%', right:'4%', ...
If you want to check the relevant intelligence analysis of other apps similar to Open House: Meet Friends, you can click the app name below to view related reports, or you can find more info inASOTools. mychart itsme invoice-maker-estimate-invoice-app ...
master 克隆/下载 git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 分支1 标签0 this.Destroy()update57359166年前 23 次提交 提交 .gitignore Initial commit 6年前 LICENSE Initial commit 6年前 ...
git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 分支1 标签0 this.Destroy()update57359166年前 23 次提交 提交 .gitignore Initial commit 7年前 LICENSE Initial commit 7年前 update 6年前 ...
原始thread:在隐藏的DIV上呈现Chartjs var canvas = document.getElementById('myChart');var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');var chart = new Chart(ctx, { // The type of chart we want to create type: 'line', // The data for our dataset data: { labels: ['January', 'February', '...