It can be readily implemented on any standard MRI scanner without any hardware modifi- cation. The time needed for calibration is less than 4 s, which is much shorter than common breath-hold time (~16 s) for humans. We compared this method with conventional methods, and demonstrated ...
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) experiments. MR imaging was performed with a 7T clinical Signa HDxt scanner (Varian). TR = 2000 ms, fast sTp2i-nweecihgoh,teFdOiVm =ag 3e*s3 wcmer,eEacchqoutiirmede using the following parameters: 7T, Repetition time TE =...
The proteins were desalted on a CentriPure P5 desalting column (Generon) with either a 50 mM HEPES buffer (pH = 8.0) containing 150 mM NaCl and 10% glycerol for for UCDV-mviseiabslueraebmsoernpttsi.oTnhme ehaosmuroegmeneneittsyoarn2d0 pmuMritNy ao2fHthPeOi4s,o5l0a ...