An MRI-based mouse brain atlas is registered to the block-face photographic volume (top-right). The registered atlas labels and the registered segmented histology volumes are used for the ontology-based analysis. Although, 3D reconstruction of brain histological section images has already been in ...
All Seebeck coefficient. One of the most key metrics in a thermoelectric study is the Seebeck coefficient (S), which is defined as the proportion of the potential difference generated in response to the applied temperature gradient iasnsdtriosnngulymiemripcaaclltyedgibvyenthaes;mS a=teriaVTl...
处于内网,又恋上了“六维”的资源,没办法。想办法。偶然发现当初买的Dlink Dir615C2,当时它的ipv6害得我很是苦恼,手机用wifi通过路由器上网,一会儿就不能上了。后来刷了DD-Wrt,没了ipv6,这个世界清净了。手机上网也正常了。可是我的六维也上不了。后来发现了gw6c这个软件,装在电脑上,还行,挺方便。不过偶然发...
Discussion Pushing the limits and moving to 7 T MRI allows an increase of the spatial resolution as well as to shorten the repetition time. However, scanning at 7 T also increases the SAR, making it a limiting factor, including in fMRI45. Methods to reduce the SAR are, therefore...