Map packages (.mpkx) Layer packages (.lpkx) When you double-click one of these files, ArcGIS Pro starts without a project template. For map files, layout files, and map packages, the maps and layouts defined in the files are added to the project. For layer files and layer packages, ...
With ArcGIS open, you should be able to drag the MPK file directly into the program. Another way is to right-click the MPK file and selectUnpack. The package will unpack to the user's\Documents\ArcGIS\Packages\folder. MPK memory packs can be opened withProject64. If you find that an a...
Map packages (.mpkx) Layer packages (.lpkx) When you double-click one of these files,ArcGIS Prostarts without a project template. For map files, layout files, and map packages, the maps and layouts defined in the files are added to the project. For layer files and layer packages, a ...
Map packages (.mpkx) Layer packages (.lpkx) When you double-click one of these files, ArcGIS Pro starts without a project template. For map files, layout files, and map packages, the maps and layouts defined in the files are added to the project. For layer files and layer packages, ...
Map packages (.mpkx) Layer packages (.lpkx) The ArcGIS Pro application will be started without a project template. For map files, layout files, and map packages, the maps and layouts defined in the files will be added to the project. For layer files and layer packages, a map will be...
Map packages (.mpkx) Layer packages (.lpkx) TheArcGIS Proapplication will be started without a project template. For map files, layout files, and map packages, the maps and layouts defined in the files will be added to the project. For layer files and layer packages, a map will be add...
When a project opens, its name appears in the title bar of theArcGIS Prowindow. Click the project name to see the path to the project file and the project's last modification date. (If the full path does not fit in the drop-down window, hover over it to show a tooltip.) The path...
Kartenpakete (.mpkx) Layer-Pakete (.lpkx) Wenn Sie auf eine dieser Dateien doppelklicken, wirdArcGIS Proohne Projektvorlage gestartet. Bei Kartendateien, Layoutdateien und Kartenpaketen werden die in den Dateien definierten Karten und Layouts zum Projekt hinzugefügt. Bei Layer-Dateien und Layer...