Psychology definition for Open-Mindedness in normal everyday language, edited by psychologists, professors and leading students. Help us get better.
The Psychology and Theology of Open-Mindednessdoi:10.4324/9781315583617-12Ryan Williams
At the same time, being more open minded to inaccurate information might lead one in the wrong direction; hence, open mindedness does not necessarily enhance the accuracy of one's judgments or the quality of one's decisions. We may need to rethink the concept of an enlightened, well-...
Unfortunately, for decades academics have argued in circles about the definition of open-mindedness, and what might make a person become less or more open-minded, in part because there’s been no reliable way to measure these things. Recently, however, psychologists have given us a better way ...
CHOICE OF THE PATIENT Patient-related factors that facilitated response are Psychological mindedness of patients: Patients who are able to understand and label their feelings and emotions generally respond better to CBT. Although some patients in the course of treatment learn those skills during ...
Here, we investigated whether amplitude patterns of the electrocardiogram (ECG) correlate with neurotisicm, extraversion, agreeableness, warmth, positive emotion, and tender-mindedness as measured with the Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness (NEO) personality inventory. Specifically, we investigated (a) ...
Our theoretical and qualitative findings support an open innovation competence profile as a construct that is based on six key individual dimensions: creativity, entrepreneurship, communication and networking, open mindedness, risk taking, and self-efficacy in digital skills. Thus, the implications of ...
To address this issue, this article aims to synthesize the literature in a critical manner, reviewing mind-mindedness, parental reflective functioning and insightfulness. This study identifies key theoretical and methodological aspects of parental mentalization constructs (e.g., defi...
3.4 Open-mindedness in CAs As most of the existing opinion change model structures violate at least one of our criteria, we are motivated to augment traditional opinion change frameworks with an additional variable. There is compelling evidence from the literature on opinion change and psychology (...
The psychology of closed and open mindedness, ration- ality, and democracy. Critical Review 24 (2): 217-32.Kruglanski, Arie W. and Lauren M. Boyatzi. 2012. "The Psychology of Closed and Open Mindedness, Rationality, and Democracy." Critical Review 24 (2): 217-232....