Open Accesssexually transmitted diseasesurbanizationmigrationChinaIndonesiadoi:10.1002/9780470712870.ch13Christopher J. SmithGraeme HugoJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Open Access (OA) research is available online for free, often with permission to reuse. OA includes articles, data, code, books, research proposals, and entire journals, as well as supporting tools and policies.
license: used by authors who choose to publish open access. creative commons attribution-noncommercial-noderivatives (cc by-nc-nd) license: used by authors who choose to publish open access or where an author self-archives their work i.e., makes their accepted manuscript, published under the ...
NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is a free, open source screen reader for Microsoft Windows. NVDA is developed by NV Access in collaboration with a global community of contributors. matplotlib Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and...
Publishing open access: Complies with funder or institution mandates Allows you to retain copyright through a CC BY license Enables automatic deposit in PubMed Central (when appropriate) . Check your eligibility: You must be theresponsible corresponding authorThe responsible corresponding author is th...
選擇性。 評估為有效多維度查詢 (例如,多維度運算式 (MDX) 查詢) 的變體。Source引數會對應至Source屬性。 如需 MDX 的詳細資訊,請參閱 Microsoft Data Access Components SDK 中的OLE DB for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)文件。 ActiveConnection ...
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for Microsoft Research-authored scholarly publications (“Works”) submitted to third-party conferences and publishing houses (“Publishers”) for publication, Microsoft Research retains a license to make our Works available to the research community in our online Microsoft Research open-access repository...
Science and Education Publishing is an academic publisher of open access journals. It also publishes academic books and conference proceedings. SciEP currently has 100+ open access journals in the areas of Earth &Environmental Sciences, Medicine &Healthc
AIis an international,peer-reviewed, open access journal on artificial intelligence (AI), including broad aspects of cognition and reasoning, perception and planning, machine learning, intelligent robotics, and applications of AI, published monthly online by MDPI. ...