必应词典为您提供Open-Mail-Relay的释义,网络释义: 开放转发;开放邮件转发;开放邮件转送;
Mail From:user1@this.domain.tld <CR>; (输入模拟用户) 服务器既显示 250 <user1@domain.tld>;... ok RCPT TO:<user2@other.domain.tld>; <CR>; 服务器会显示 250 <user2@other.domain.tld>;... Recipient ok Data<CR>;.<CR>;quit 退出 >;以上“<CR>;”表示回车,斜体字是说...
"Open relay test message delivered successfully to Admin@TestExchangeConnectivity.com" A computer that is running Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange Server 2007 can be configured as a mail relay, which is not recommended. An Exchange computer that is configured as an ...
relay host smtp+tls://gnu@fencepost.gnu.org:587 auth <secrets> action "relayjao" relay host smtps://jao@smtp.jao.io:465 auth <secrets> match for local action "local" match for any from mail-from <sendergnu> action "relaygnu" match for any from mail-from <senderjao> action "relay...
matchforanyfrommail-from<sendergnu>action"relaygnu" matchforanyfrommail-from<senderjao>action"relaygan" 我们还为此配置了本地投递。这是完整的配置文件!唯一需要的另一件事是生成secrets.db文件,其中包含与键gnu和jao对应的用户和密码(这些只...
进入openwrt的luci页面。在 网络>网卡>LAN 选择编辑 保存&应用后,路由器自身的dns解析请求 会使用 上面设置的DNS 来回应 3.LAN口DHCP选项 进入openwrt的luci页面。在 网络>网卡>LAN 选择编辑 在DHCP选项下 填入 6,, 效果如下:
Case 1. E-mail client like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft Case 2. E-mail client other than Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft How to compose and send emailsThe Samsung Email app enables you write and send emails from your existing email accounts. You can also attach fi...
5、装潢店门口:装“璜”6、失物广告:失物“启示”7、安装公司门口:“按”装 8、洗车店门口:洗车打“腊”9、饭店门口:“合”饭 10、水果店门口:“波”萝 11、饭店菜单:鸡“旦”12、五金店标牌:“扦”座 13、体育用品店标牌:“兰”球 14、快餐店门口:大排“挡”15、农贸市场标牌:“...
如上图,如果需要设置DHCP分配的网关地址为:,那么只需要在DHCP-选项中输入3,192.168.254即可。同理,如果想设置指定的DNS,输入6,即可将192.168.1.1分配给客户端的DNS。 root@ACU:~# cat /etc/config/dhcp config dnsmasq option domainneeded '1' ...