An open-loop or closed-loop control system for an agricultural utility vehicle includes a distributor linkage for dispensing fertilizer, plant protection agent, or seed, and has a center part and two lateral extension arms connected by joints to the center part with a plurality of linkage ...
闭环控制系统(closed-loopcontrolsystem) 负反馈(NegativeFeedback) 阶跃输入(stepfunction) 稳定性(stability) 稳态误差(Steady-stateerror) 有差系统(SystemwithSteady-stateError) incompatible[in·com·pat·i·ble||‚ɪnkəm'pætəbl] adj.不相容的,矛盾的,不能并存的 ...
Unit 16 Open loop and Closed loop Control 热度: 开环控制系统(open-loopcontrolsystem) 控制器(controller) 闭环控制系统(closed-loopcontrolsystem) 负反馈(NegativeFeedback) 阶跃输入(stepfunction) 稳定性(stability) 稳态误差(Steady-stateerror) 有差系统(SystemwithSteady-stateError) ...
完成phasefe时期阶段飞蛇渴棠篇傻竞瘤密踩纲享冀界勃乔惋辅开环控制系统openloopcontrolsystem控制器controller闭环控制系统closedloopcontrolsystem负反馈negativefeedback阶跃输入stepfunction稳定性stability稳态误差steadystateerror有差系统systemsteadystateerrorincompatibleincompatible??nk?m?pt?bladj 开环控制系统(open-...
Input shaping open-loop techniques are addressed first. It is followed by closed-loop approach. Finally, the comparison between two approaches, sensitivity issues, and reflections on the design of the device itself are given 展开 关键词: closed loop systems control system synthesis electrostatic ...
open loop characteristic 开回路特性 相似单词 stem loop 茎环 system n. 1.系统 2.制度;体制 3.[the system]既成秩序;现政府,统治集团 4.理论体系 5.方法 6.分类原则 7.条理;秩序 8.系统;身体;组织 9.宇宙;世界 Non System 非系统的 chit system n. 票据支付制度 group system 群状采伐方式...
open loop control system 美 英 un.开环控制系统;开路控制系统 英汉 un. 1. 开环控制系统 2. 开路控制系统 例句 释义: 全部,开环控制系统,开路控制系统 更多例句筛选 1. Hysteresis is one of the serious defects of piezoelectric ceramics which restraints the precision of an open loop control system...
A system is suggested for the electronic open-loop control and/or closed-loop control of the power of an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle in which the open-loop control or closed-loop control of the power is dependent on a parameter which represents the driver's wish, the open...
Unit 16 Open loop and Closed loop Control 热度: A closed-loop detection and open-loop control strategy for booms of truck-mounted concrete pump 热度: unit_16_open-loop_and_closed-loop_control 热度: PAPTAC2010 CLOSEDLOOPTUNINGVSOPENLOOPTUNING: ...
A second contribution of this paper is to develop a control design algorithm which ensures that the designed controller both ensures sufficient closed-loop performance with the true system, but also ensures that a model identified via closed-loop identification on the designed loop has high accuracy...