影响Picomotor步长的另一个机制是方向,这是由压电堆叠的膨胀和收缩的差异造成的, 如图3所示。前向和后向步长的差异很大,从0% 到100%以上,但总是小于30 nm。 图3. Picomotor 向前和向后步长之间的变化(请注意尺寸不按比例)。 即使步长具有这种可变性,我们依然能够以非常小的增量调整位置,从而实现超高稳定的精细...
tuningloopclosed调谐open开环 PAPTAC2010CLOSEDLOOPTUNINGVSOPENLOOPTUNING:TUNINGALLYOURLOOPSWHILETHEPROCESSISRUNNINGISNOWPOSSIBLEMichelRuelTopControlInc.,49,Bel-Air,#103Levis,Qc,CanadaG6V6K9mruel@topcontrolKeywords:ProcessControl,Optimization,Oscillation,Model,PIDControl,ClosedLoop,OpenLoop,Stiction,Backlash,Nonl...
这篇文章提出了只用一个VCO的闭环结构,所以不用考虑匹配问题。 上图展示了开环和闭环的VCO ADC结构,对于开环结构,sensor的输出信号直接接入VCO输入,而对于闭环结构,VCO的输入是输入信号和反馈回来的信号的差值。 两种结构的频域模型: 从频域模型可以得到两种不同结构中的STF以及NTF(省去推导过程): 闭环结构因为存在...
Difference between Open Loop and Closed Loop Control System The main difference between open-loop and closed-loop control system mainly includes its definition,components, construction, reliability, accuracy, stability, optimization, response, calibration, linearity, disturbance of the system and its exampl...
喷射供油中, 闭路(closed loop)及开路open loop运作模式的运作 拿汽车的EFI原理来推论(都是喷射不会差到哪去),喷射供油引擎主要处在两种模式下运作, 一种叫open loop(开路), 另一种为close loop (闭路), 当引擎在open loop模式下运作时, 引擎的喷油量看的是ECU内的默认供油曲线 而不看O2 sensor所回传的...
The major expense of a closed loop system would be drilling of the well or digging of the trench with the loop install. As long as the loop doesn’t fail and need replacement, replacement of the rest of the system should be a relatively low cost. ...
Closed-loop recycling is common in specialized industries, such as the computer and battery industries, which use expensive or complex goods that cannot easily be broken down post-consumption into constituent materials. Closed-loop recycling focuses on bringing the products back to the company or indu...
Traditional methodology for optimizing and tuning PID loops (excluding `trial-and-error') rely on `open-loop' tests,whereby the loop is placed in manual mode and the controller output is moved, usually in a step-wise fashion. The issues with this `step' test are numerous, primarily that th...