内容提示: Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Control 1 Introduction Control system are broadly classified as either open-loop or closed-loop. An open-loop system (Figure 5.3(a)) is a system whose input u(t) does not depend on the output y(t), i.e. , u(t) is not a function of y(t)....
喷射供油引擎主要处在两种模式下运作,一种叫open loop(开路),另一种为close loop (闭路),当引擎在open loop模式下运作时,引擎的喷油量看的是ECU内的默认供油曲线 而不看O2 sensor所回传的情报,只有在close loop时,引擎的喷油量才会由O2 sensor 所传回的电压来持续修正为接近14.7:1(理想空燃比值) 简单说CLO...
aDrawings for open loop and close loop controls (both hardware and software). Motor list and valve schedule including type of actuator etc. 图画为开环和结束循环控制(硬件和软件)。 开汽车名单和阀门日程表包括作动器等的类型。[translate]
美 英 n.开环 网络开回路;开路;开环路 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. 开环,开路 例句 更多例句筛选
The robot executes the parameterized primitives one by one in an open-loop manner. 给定初始观察图像 Is,我们使用一个分类器 πφ ({Ci} N i=1 |I) 来预测 N 个受限移动操纵的离散参数{Ci} N i=1,以及一个条件策略网络 πθ (g,{ci} N i=1 |I,{Ci} N i=1 ),该网络生成抓握基元的连续...
2.1 Model-Based Open-Loop Control An open-loop control system is a control system in which the system output does not influence the control actions [shown in Fig. 1A]. In an open-loop control system, a sequence of control actions is precomputed and stored in a feedforward controller, then...
Unit 16 Open loop and Closed loop Control 热度: A closed-loop detection and open-loop control strategy for booms of truck-mounted concrete pump 热度: unit_16_open-loop_and_closed-loop_control 热度: PAPTAC2010 CLOSEDLOOPTUNINGVSOPENLOOPTUNING: ...
Combined open-loop and closed-loop power control measured by using difference 用于无线电话的功率控制系统和方法对较低的功率电平采用开环技术而在较高的功率电平时采用闭环技术. Power control system and method for a wireless telephone to ... T·巴特尔,J·马劳 - CN 被引量: 5发表: 2003年 融合JPS...