1、在拨号界面输入:*#*#2846579#*#* 进入测试菜单界面。 2、Project Menu–后台设置–LOG设置 3、LOG开关–LOG打开 LOG级别设置–VERBOSE 4、Dump&Log– 全部选中 5、重启手机
android:layout_alignLeft="@id/openSerial_bt" android:layout_below="@id/openSerial_bt" android:text="@string/send_data" /> <Button android:id="@+id/clear_bt" android:layout_marginLeft="20dp" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignTop=...
This project launched at the same time as Android 1.0 to provide an alternative to Google Maps, using the same API with open map sources. A lot has changed since then and the effort to maintain this project has become untenable. We would like to thank every one of the 75+ contributors ...
Repository files navigation README License Android 开源项目分类汇总 Other: English Version, 繁體版, Website Version. 我们的微信公众号:codekk。二维码如下: 专注于 Android 开源分享、源码解析、框架设计、Android 内推。 我们的网站:www.codekk.com Android 开发调试效率数倍提升工具——开发助手 App 最新版,...
当出现Too many open files异常的时候,意味着文件句柄泄漏过多,句柄泄漏到一定数量之后(一般是接近1024)会导致程序卡死、文件读写异常、socket创建异常等。 一般来说单一进程的最大可打开文件句柄数量为1024,可通过cat proc/进程ID/limits查看。 image.png ...
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Log.e(TAG, "创建对象失败") return null } //绑定纹理到上下文 GLES30.glBindTexture(GLES30.GL_TEXTURE_2D,buffer[0]) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2.2 创建 bitmap 数据 这里在 xxx-nodpi 中导入一张图片,然后使用 BitmapFactory 加载 ...
app open ziprar filesipadandroidiphoneonline The iPhone is undoubtedly a powerful device. It has, more so, proven itself exceptional at managing, compressing and sharing files. But what if you want to open that zip file on your phone? Well, up until recently, this was a problem for many ...
android:id="@+id/action_settings"android:orderInCategory="100"app:showAsAction="never"android:title="@string/action_settings"/> 捕获异常 catch(Exception e) {//TODO Auto-generated catch blockLog.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } No such ...
LogMessages MaxHdcpLevel MaxSecurityLevel MaxSessionCount Metrics OfflineLicenseKeySetIds OpenSessionCount SecureStopIds SecureStops SupportedCryptoSchemes Methods Events MediaDrm.CryptoSession MediaDrm.ErrorCodes MediaDrm.ExpirationUpdateEventArgs MediaDrm.IHdcpLevel MediaDrm.IOnEventListener MediaDrm.IOnExpiratio...