jupyter/tensorflow-notebook: 基于scipy-notebook构建,添加了Tensorflow需要的包。 jupyter/datascience-notebook: 基于scipy-notebook构建,添加了Julia和R的支持。 jupyter/pyspark-notebook: 基于scipy-notebook构建,添加了Spark和Hadoop集群的支持。 jupyter/all-spark-notebook:基于pyspark-notebook构建,添加了Scala和R...
https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/blob/7866742422d6e93fad4eab800f3a10c3250767e6/notebook/services/contents/handlers.py#L320-L327 As you can see, a path of/api/contents/checkpointsconflicts with both theCheckpointsHandlerandContentsHandler. Since theCheckpointsHandlersupportGETrequests, it is cal...
Azure 開放資料集的 Jupyter Notebook 範例會示範如何載入開放資料集,並使用它們擴充示範資料。 該技術包括使用 Apache Spark 和 Pandas 處理資料。 重要 在非Spark 環境中工作時,開放資料集僅允許一次下載一個月的特定類別資料,以避免使用大型資料集時發生 MemoryError。
Jupyter Notebook Viewer - Notebook viewer for macOS. NoteTaker - Simple note taking app for macOS and iOS which uses Realm and CloudKit for syncing. Notenik - Note-taking app with many organizational options. Notes - Notes is a macOS application built to create notes, using text amongst...
jupyter notebook --generate-config 根据配置文件中的提示,修改配置文件,比如绑定的IP,端口,或允许ROOT用户运行。 五, 运用 浏览器地址栏中默认地将会显示:http://localhost:8888 开始享用吧! 备注: 创建conda环境: conda create --name c35 python=3.5 ...
The best data science is open source. Posit is committed to creating incredible open-source tools for individuals, teams, and enterprises.
An integral feature of AlphaPept development are Jupyter notebooks, which have become ubiquitous in scientific computing. Using the nbdev package, each part of the MS-based proteomics workflow is modularized into a separate notebook. This allows extensive documentation of the underlying algorithmic produ...
We are planning to provide the subroutines in Jupyter Notebook for the ease of use and minimizing the ambiguities during the process of modeling. Also, providing separate packages for normal and hybrid solutions for implementing the three-dimensional modeling would result in more user-friendly ...
33配置Jupyter Notebook的工作路径 06:37 34数字和字符 08:45 35字符串的常见方法和格式化 - 1 05:18 36字符串的常见方法和格式化 - 3 05:14 37列表- 1 06:03 38列表- 3 06:08 39元组、字典 - 1 05:05 40元组、字典 - 3 05:07 41使用函数(一) 08:55 42使用函数(二) 07:12 43案例简介 -...
Colaboratory is a free Jupyter notebook environment that runs in the cloud. Your notebooks get stored on Google Drive. The great advantage is that you don’t have to install anything (however, for some features you need a Google account) on your system to use it. Autoreward 2 The motivati...