If you have defined a cluster configuration named "default" or if the Jenkins instance is running within an OpenShift pod, you don't need to specify any cluster information. openshift.withCluster() { // Use "default" cluster or fallback to OpenShift cluster detection echo "Hello from the...
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/openjdk/jdk:21-mariner WORKDIR /home/app COPY japp.jar japp.jar USER app CMD ["java", "-jar", "/opt/app/japp.jar"] Yukarıdaki örnekte, görüntüler varsayılan olarak ile root kaldığından, uygulama ikili dosyası olarak rootkopyalanır. ...
There are the links of the Github Actions and Jenkins for the tests which run for every new Pull Request. You can view all the recent builds also. Regression Tests Unit Tests To get the updates about the releases, you can join https://groups.google.com/forum/embed/?place=forum/fabric8-...
登录到Jenkins里,查看进度: 登录SonarQube,查看代码review结果: 查看Rating为C的代码内容: 并给出了语法建议: 查看第二个bug代码: 并给出了语法建议: Nexcus中查看war: 批准部署到Stage: Pileline走完,部署成功: 验证部署的应用: 最后,验证一下我在源码中的变更: 这个对应源码中的: 参考链接: https://github...
(1)通过OpenShift Console 或者 oc 命令创建一条 route,它将 sit 项目的 jenkins 服务暴露到域名 sitjenkins.com.cn: 在界面上创建 route: 结果: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Name:sitjenkins.com.cnNamespace:sitLabels:app=jenkins-ephemeral template=jenkins-ephemeral-templateAnnotations:<none>Requested Host:sit...
pipeline 策略会使用 Jenkins pipeline 插件来创建新的容器镜像。虽然这些容器镜像是 Jenkins 构建的,但构建可由 OpenShift 来启动、监控和管理。 BuildConfig 资源可在构建配置或 Git 存储库中直接引用包含管道工作流的 Jenkinsfile。 OpenShift 会启动新的 Jenkins 服务器,以便在第一次构建时采用管道策略来执行管道。
Jenkinsfile Add download-openpitrix.sh for quick download and refactor doc 7年前 LICENSE add license file 7年前 Makefile Refactor 4年前 README.md Add deprecated notice 11个月前 README_ZH.md fix broken link and improper description 6年前 docker-compose.yml Bugfix: ...
latest docker pull registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/jenkins-2-rhel:latest docker pull registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/jenkins-slave-maven-rhel7:latest docker pull registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/mysql-57-rhel7:latest docker pull docker.io/openshift/hello-openshift:latest docker pull ...
Still cant launch PyCharm with pycharm64.exe, but pycharm.bat launch it properly (but that cmd window is annoying :/). Any chances to fix? This issue could be related with RDP connection or with Jenkins slave? 0 Sergey Karpov Created March 27, 2020 22:46 @Bromaaga Please report it...
For example, take the following Dockerfile from the Jenkins image: Raw RUN /usr/local/bin/install-jenkins-core-plugins.sh /opt/openshift/base-plugins.txt && \ rmdir /var/log/jenkins && \ chmod 664 /etc/passwd && \ chmod -R 775 /etc/alternatives && \ ...