You can clear open items for a contract account completely or partially. For partial clearings, the system saves the remaining amount that is still open, as well as the cleared amount, for the item. In the open item, you can specify a net due date, due date for cash discount, and/or...
If using ODF in internal mode, at least additional 3 (starting) nodes are recommended. Alternatively, the Compute nodes outlined above can also run ⑂ ODF pods. In that case, the hardware specifications need to be extended accordingly. The following table lists the minimum requirements for each...
Although it may seem so at the beginning, this is usually not about a data inconsistency (exception: BSEG-XOPVW <> X for open item account line items, see below). Solution Check some table fields in the missing documents using Transaction SE16. The following conditions must exist:BSIS-XOPV...
The Status Type of a site or equipment item indicates whether it is generally operational. Level ID LevelID integer A general category for power capability. Deprecated in favour of documenting specific equipment power in kW. LevelType Level LevelType A general category for equipment power cap...
The Status Type of a site or equipment item indicates whether it is generally operational. Level ID LevelID integer A general category for power capability. Deprecated in favour of documenting specific equipment power in kW. LevelType Level LevelType A general category for equipment power cap...
Suppose, i need 5 qty of items to produce 5 header item. During confirmation (in CO15), i have provided the yield qty as 2 & executing the confirmation with below cases Case 1: Yield Qty: 2 Final Confirmation: Checked Clear Reservation: Not Checked In this case also, the reservation ...
The Status Type of a site or equipment item indicates whether it is generally operational. Level ID LevelID integer A general category for power capability. Deprecated in favour of documenting specific equipment power in kW. LevelType Level LevelType A general category for equipment power cap...
Go to SE11 and give table name RESB and execute. Or go to MB24 / MB25 Trxn code Reservation List and Select Dynamic Indicator List and in ITem data for reservation select Item deleted and execute. It will show you all the Deleted reservations. Reg, Ashok Rewards Welcome. Former Member ...
Click on any row of "Open Item list" report. and go to Data(Menu Bar) > Sort table. If sort table option is not highlighted there also, please report to SAP. Thanks Unnikrishnan former_member418241 Active Participant 2015 Jun 09 0 Kudos The sort table also not available Kenned...
In FI, first the document is Open (when it is posted) so the entry is made in table BSID. Once the document is cleared, it moves from BSID to BSAD. And for Cleared item you will see Clearing Document no and Clearing date values updated (these are blank when the item is open). ...