Hello, I have a form that opens in edit mode when a menu item is clicked from a sub menu, but what I would like to do is open the form in view mode. I have an xml action defined like so: <record id="action_view_product_version" model="ir.actions.act_window"> <field name="n...
Luckily, in 2019 the VS Code team started to refactor its architecture to support a browser-based working mode. While this architecture has been adopted by Gitpod and GitHub, the important bits have not been open-sourced, until now. As a result, many people in the community still use the ...
Fix: Finder context menu icon supports dark mode version 2.0.2 Support Visual Studio Code - Insiders Support for hiding the status bar icon version 2.0.1 Support BBEdit Add icon in Finder context menu Fix: check application folder under home directory ...
Search tracking status in library, made by She11Shocked Custom categories for sources, liked the pinned sources, but you can make your own versions and put any sources in them Manga info edit Manga Cover view + share and save Dynamic Categories, view the library in multiple ways ...
In Layer 2 mode, OpenELB uses the leader election feature of Kubernetes to ensure that only one replica responds to ARP/NDP requests. OpenELB-manager 高可用 默认情况下,openelb-manager 只会部署一个副本,对于可用性要求较高的生产环境可能无法满足需求,官方也给出了部署多个副本[9]的教程。 官方教程的...
island Project Island is an experimental, hot-reloading Vulkan renderer/proto-engine for Linux, written in C/C++. three.js JavaScript 3D library. https://threejs.org/ Babylon.js A powerful, beautiful, simple, and open game and rendering engine packed into a friendly JavaScript framework. cesium...
adobe acrobat cannot open in protected mode due to an incompatibility with your system configuration Grinbit New Here , Jun 15, 2023 Copy link to clipboard I tried some guides online but still cant fix this, can someone tell me how to...
Open a PDF in any app. Tap Open In… or the (varies by app and OS version). Swipe left until the More icon appears, and tap it. When the app list appears, tap Edit. Scroll down the app list and tap Copy to Acrobat. Tap Done to exit edit mode. Tap Done again to exit the Sh...
adobe acrobat cannot open in protected mode due to an incompatibility with your system configuration Grinbit New Here , Jun 15, 2023 Copy link to clipboard I tried some guides online but still cant fix this, can someone tell me how to...