What is heart valve surgery? When effectively treating a diseased or damaged heart valve, repair or reconstruction is the first choice as it protects the original valve and may help to preserve overall heart function long term. There are several innovative devices that may be used when repairing...
外科医生手术模拟器(Open Heart Surgery 3D) 软件版本:v1.3.5 运行环境:Android 软件大小:81.0MB 所属类型:休闲益智 应用语言:简体中文 更新时间:2024-11-12 22:25:36 标签:模拟休闲策略外科医生中文版 安卓下载 软件介绍 软件截图 相关版本 相关下载
In the past five years surgeons have made large strides in correcting cardiac defect and damage. The key to this progress is the heart-lung machine, which makes it possible to by-pass the heart for some hours
open-heart surgery,即心脏直视手术,是一种复杂且高风险的医疗手术,涉及打开胸腔并直接对心脏进行操作。以下是关于心脏直视手术的详细解释: 一、手术概述 心脏直视手术,顾名思义,是在患者的心脏停止跳动或处于特定状态下,通过打开胸腔,直接对心脏进行的一种手术治疗。这种手术通常用于治...
heart surgery in which the rib cage is spread open, the heart is stopped and blood is detoured through a heart-lung machine while a heart valve or coronary artery is surgically repaired 相似短语 open heart surgeryn. 〈医〉心内直视手术 ...
Open-heart surgery has been performed since 1975 on 25 patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses by religion. The patients' ages ranged from 6-60 years, and their body weights from 18-51 kg. Surgical procedures included correction of congenital heart disease in 14 patients and valve repair or ...
展开全部 英英释义 Noun 1. heart surgery in which the rib cage is spread open and surgery to fix a heart valve or repair a coronary artery is performed while the heart is stopped and blood is detoured through a heart-lung machine
BACKGROUND:-Transcatheteraorticvalveimplantationisanalternativetoopenheartsurgeryinpatientswith aorticstenosis. 背景:除了心内直视手术,经导管主动脉瓣植入术是主动脉狭窄患者的替代治疗方案。 www.mdchome.com 8. Pressuretransducersasasourceofbacteremiaafteropenheartsurgery.Reportof anoutbreakandguidelinesforprevention. ...
外科医生手术模拟器(Open Heart Surgery 3D) 类型:经营模拟 版本:v1.3.5 平台:安卓 语言:中文 更新:2024-07-22 10:38:42 厂商:Taprix 7.7 相关标签外科医生手术模拟器医院题材休闲模拟 详情 外科医生手术模拟器是一款好玩的模拟医生游戏,经典的卡通画风,玩起来很有趣,你可以完成儿时的梦想,成为一名外科医生,你...
海外直订Open Heart Surgery 心脏直视手术 作者:Robinson, Carlos出版社:ODF Publishing House出版时间:2008年11月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥196.00 配送至 广东佛山市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“中华商务进口图书旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。