" Then there is the database, which clearly sucks based on the programming language. There's no way to see the tables (it's a class, which doesn't make sense, because the idea behind a table is that it represents a single object, not a collection of objects. The data is the collec...
I’m not sure what performance conclusions we can realistically draw from these curves, apart from “keeping workload to L3 cache is cool”, and “different chips have different cache hardware”, and “I should probably go and read and remember more about the microarchitectural characteristics of...
OpenStack Key Manager (barbican) と Hardware Security Module (HSM) アプライアンスのインテグレーション 3.1. OpenStack Key Manager (barbican) と Atos HSM のインテグレーション 3.2. OpenStack Key Manager (barbican) と Thales Luna Network HSM の統合 3.3. Open...
ODB-II Bluetooth adapter and head-up displays to monitor and diagnose your car have been around for a while. I actually got two models to use with a