aExtract the OS Update Files from the ZIP File(s) After the OS Update ZIP file or files are downloaded, open the ZIP file and Extract all the files. If there is insufficient free space on your C: drive, or if you downloaded the ZIP files to a computer other than the Yuma 2 tablet...
Open Save Files View is also available in four additional languages: Dutch, German, Greek, and Russian. In order to install the languages simply click on the link for the language you want to download the zip file. Extract the “opensavefilesview_lng.ini” file and move it to the install...
aStep 2: Extract the OS Update Files to the USB Flash Drive After all the ‘Yuma-2-OS-v1007-Update’ ZIP files are downloaded, open the ZIP file and Extract all the files directly to the USB Flash Drive. After the Extraction is complete, the OS Update files on your USB Flash Drive...
Repository files navigation README 开源语言模型百宝袋 (Ver. 3.6) Open-Source Language Model Pocket 注意:由于此文本内容太多了,直接在Github网页阅览会出现内容不全(导致部分内容搜索不到)的问题。建议下载到本地查阅。 Github: 开源模型一览 (...
其中第一行的include字段指定了工程的common.mk文件, 该文件通常不会变化,因此不需修改 ;TWEAK_NAME字段填入的是建立工程时命令行输入的Project Name; test_FILES字段指定工程包含的源文件,如果工程中需要用到多个源文件则用空格将各个文件名分开; 第三行的include字段指定工程的mk文件,这里新建的是tweak工程, 所以填...
如果没有: 报错退出 .同时提醒用户重新运行 ./configure 命令 ifeq ($$(all_spec_files),) $$(info No configurations found for $$(root_dir)! Please run configure to create a configuration.) $$(eval $$(call FatalError)) endif # Extract the configuration names from the path # 解析出所有的...
News191 New Achievements are Coming I made a datamine post stating I would update it with text files later. That was around 12 hours later and didn't get as much attention as it probably should have, so I'm reposting it here. Massive amount of achievements (191) were added. Here's a...
They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if [SMAPI] you uninstall these mods. [SMAPI] - PyTK [SMAPI] - SpaceCore [SMAPI] - TMXL Map Toolkit [SMAPI] Patched game code [SMAPI] --- [SMAPI] These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors ...
使用*.dbc文件转换CANopen原始数据的工具是CANopen Magic。CANopen Magic是一款功能强大的CANopen网络分析工具,它可以解析和转换CANopen通信协议中的原始数据...
d/firmware/10-rt2x00-eeprom to extract the firmware image for the wireless module base-files/lib/preinit/06_set_iface_mac to set the MAC addresses of any other interfaces 3、openwrt中各种默认配置文件所在目录 target/linux/ramips/base-files/ openwrt版本为15.05.1,以mt7620为例,其他类似。