In this case also, vim will take you to the same interface that you get while opening multiple files from command line. Here too, in order to open another file in vim editor, you need to first save the file currently open in vim editor, using :w. Switch Between Files In both the ab...
E212: can't open file for writing is an error that can occur when trying to save a file in Vim. There are a few different ways to fix this error, depending on the cause. Method 1. Validate User and Check File Permissions The general cause of the error is the permission issue. The ...
vim保存退出提示can't open file for writing 在vim一个文件后保存退出时,提示:can't open file for writing 解决办法如下: 1.检查是不是root用户,切换到root尝试。 2.vim编辑有问题时,在/var/tmp路径下会生成一个.swp隐藏文件,将这个文件删除即可。 在当前路径下也可能会生成一个‘.’开头的.swp隐藏文件,...
经常在使用vim编辑文档时,所处在普通用户组,不具有写文件的权限,所以在退出时会提示“E212: Can't open file for writing”,解决办法有两个。 1. 直接退出 su成具有权限的超级用户之后,在所操作文件的目录下会出现一个swap的隐藏文件,读入缓存后可删掉。 2. 提权 :w !sudo tee % 之后再退出便具有super权限...
Open File From Bash Command Line The most popular use case for opening files is using the command line which is generally a bash terminal. If you are using Windows you will use the MS-DOS command-line tool. The file name is provided to the vim command. In the following example, we wil...
Vim has a builtin help system, I just quoted what it says to :h E212. You might want to edit the file as a superuser like sudo vim FILE. Or if you don't want to leave your existing vim session (and know have proper sudo rights), you can issue::w !sudo tee % > /dev/null ...
2. vi or vim command with -R option Another way is to open the file in vi editors with-Roption. It functions the same way as above and also shows the same double-layered warning messages when you enter INSERT mode and try to save the file. This option still lets you save the edits...
Now, when you enter the “wq” command, it will work fine. :wq Conclusion: We have done the solution of the error: “Vim can’t open file for writing”, in a blink of an eye. I hope you can solve this error conveniently.
This will start Vim and open one tabpage for each.htmlfile in the current working directory and all sub directories (recursively). From within Vim - Option 1# The commands in option 1 will replace all tabs which are already open!
In this caseoecommand will be available in terminal. Usage: oe [filename] [options] Options: --cmd Command to open file --debug Debug errors -e, --editor <editor> Editor: atom, code, sublime, webstorm, phpstorm, idea14ce, vim, visualstudio, emacs -f, --file <filename> File...