异常cannot open file、Too many open files、OOM 当数据库操作次数达到一定量级,我们观察到控制台输出异常,甚至直接OOM ,具体日志如下: E/SQLiteLog(15803):(14)cannot open file at line32460of[69906880ce] Large object allocation failed:ashmem_create_region failedfor'large object space allocation':Too man...
开发flutter 遇到没权限问题,刚学不熟搞了半天,报错信息: Cannot open file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Download/test.jpg' (OS Error: Permission denied, errno = 13) 1. 1. 在 AndroidManigfest.xml 添加需要的权限,AndroidManigfest.xml 的位置: 首先在 manifest 添加权限: <!-- Permissions options...
open_filex 以字符串结果打开文件的插件 用法 要使用此插件,请在 pubspec.yaml 文件中添加open_filex作为依赖项。 dependencies: open_filex: ^lastVersion 例子 import 'package:open_filex/open_filex.dart'; OpenFilex.open("/sdcard/example.txt"); 鸿蒙OS代码 文件是否可用 private isFileAvailable(...
Nutrient Flutter SDK allows you to open documents using PspdfkitWidget or the Pspdfkit.present() method. This article serves as a step-by-step guide to get you...
Flutter尝试assets中文件复制到设备本地,但报错: FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = '/data/user/0/nz.co.webtools.sportzmind/app_flutter/audio/intro.mp3' (OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2) 代码: final audioFile = await rootBundle.load('assets/audio/intro.mp3');...
file: I/flutter (19371): content://com.google.android.apps.docs.storage/document/acc%3D5%3Bdoc%3Dencoded%3Dgoo3xDz35V9BK23ARmM3o5zSTbWIhv3VLJVFeqiB84udV4c%3D, I/flutter (19371): Exception, Cause: null, Stacktrace: java.lang.Exception: Failed to read file: I/flutter (19371): ...
It seems likeflutter testcan’t find the file paths! If you use VS Code, the test works fine. But if you use CI/CD, the test will fail. Solution Replacefile_reader.dart: import'dart:io';Stringfixture(Stringname) {vardir=Directory.current.path;if(dir.endsWith('/test')) {dir=dir.re...
Android下载链接: http://toly1994.com/file/FlutterUnit.apk Mac下载链接: http://toly1994.com/file/flutter_unit_mac.zip Win下载链接: http://toly1994.com/file/FlutterUnitWin.zip ✨ Flutter Unit mac版支持 Flutter Unit 周边 🔥 Flutter实用插件集录 🔥 Flutter要点集录 🔥 Flutter Un...
openim fluttersdk 编译ios flutter源码编译 route_generator是什么 这是一个简单的 Flutter 路由生成库,只需要少量的代码,然后利用注解配合源代码生成,自动生成路由表,省去手工管理路由代码的烦恼。 特性 自定义路由名称 自定义路由动画 自定义路由参数 自定义路由逻辑...