log(sign); const body = JSON.stringify({ "command": "turnOn", "parameter": "default", "commandType": "command" }); const deviceId = "MAC"; const options = { hostname: 'api.switch-bot.com', port: 443, path: `/v1.1/devices/${deviceId}/commands`, method: 'POST', headers: {...
Fixing "Event Viewer cannot open the event log" When Viewing System Logshttps://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/fixing-event-viewer-cannot-open-the-event-log-when-viewing-system-logs/Also it's a new installation of Windows 10, I suggest that we could use the "check for update" ...
The account is not authorized to log in from this station. The domain controller logs the following event in the application event log: When you log on to the domain controller locally and then try to open file shares on the domain controller, you receive an error message th...
packagemainimport("log""github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase""github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/core")funcmain() {app:=pocketbase.New()app.OnServe().BindFunc(func(se*core.ServeEvent)error{// registers new "GET /hello" routese.Router.GET("/hello",func(re*core.RequestEvent)error{returnre.Strin...
cmdToConnectToCluster appDeploymentTemplateYaml if the deployment doesn't include an application. That is, you selected No for Deploy an application? when you deployed the Marketplace offer. This article selected No. However, if you selected Yes, save aside the value of appDeploymentYaml, which...
Azure Event Grid Publish Azure File Storage Azure IoT Central V2 Azure IoT Central V3 Azure Key Vault Azure Log Analytics [已弃用] Azure Log Analytics Data Collector Azure Monitor Logs Azure Queues Azure Resource Manager Azure Speech Pronunciation Assessment Azure SQL Data Warehouse Azure Table Storag...
Supersheeps控制端支持部分事件通知,方便对接第三方系统,定义在event_handler.lua中。事件包含任务开始和停止、负载端连接和断开四种事件 7.4 控制端逻辑扩展 Supersheeps控制端启动时会调用init.lua脚本执行初始化,用户代码可以在此执行,可使用协程 7.5 控制端lua接口 SuperSheeps控制端内部实现了...
As I examined the minidump there's an error message that the your system detected. I am surprised you didn't get this collected in the event log in your Windows 10 nor an error message that should've popped. It does seems like everything is normal like you mentioned. But I see that...
Usage importopen,{openApp,apps}from'open';// Opens the image in the default image viewer and waits for the opened app to quit.awaitopen('unicorn.png',{wait:true});console.log('The image viewer app quit');// Opens the URL in the default browser.awaitopen('https://sindresorhus.com'...
(size_t)height }; size_t local_work_size[2] = {1, 1}; cl_event filter_event = NULL; err_code = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(cmd_queue_, kernel_filter_, 2, // 数据的维度: 二维数据 NULL, global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, NULL, &filter_event); // 返回处理完成的等待事件 CHK_...