It does not charge monthly fees for its brokerage accounts, and there are no minimum deposit requirements. Not only is opening an E*TRADE account online easy, but it will also give you access to Morgan Stanley banking services. Here's everything you need to know about how to set up your...
Got a question? Start here. We've got answers to the most frequently asked questions about opening an account at E*TRADE.
The E*TRADE brokerage account offers a mix of investment choices, as well as research, guidance, information, trading tools, and on-call financial consultants.
1. CDP vs. nominee account Before you open a brokerage account with a brokerage firm in Singapore, you first need to open a central depository (CDP) account. What is the difference? A brokerage account allows you to trade shares through your brokerage firm. The CDP account is where all th...
Open account Self-Directed Investors $0 per trade Annual:$0 Minimum:$100 Open account Low Fees $0 per trade Annual:$0 Minimum:$0 open account Beginners; Hands Off $0 per trade Annual:0.15% (advisory fees) + 0.85% (management fees)
Got a question? Start here. We've got answers to the most frequently asked questions about opening an account at E*TRADE.