问题: DXF文件在Fusion 360中上传、插入或打开需要很长时间 数据面板中缺少该文件。 已上传到Fusion 360的文件似乎未上传到云。它滞留在上传队列中,并仍显示在上传状态对话框中。 DXF文件不显示在Fusion 360中。 原因: 这可能有多种可能的原因: DXF文件可能过大,图...
I am trying to open a DXF from Fusion 360 and cannot get the file to come in at the correct size no matter what I try. They just did an update to let DXF files from Fusion open in 2021 Illustrator but now this won't work Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Joon5...
Note: This non-trivial .dxf file is the exact same file that worked 40 days ago. 6) I have a script that uses ImportManager. ImportManager returns without any error indication, but the resulting comp.sketches has length 0. 7) I exported a simple circle, made in Fusion, t...
1. First of all click File then Open & then click on Browse. 2. After that next to the File name box & click the All Visio Files dropdown, & then you have to select AutoCAD Drawing. 3. Then find the .dwg/.dxf file on your computer. Double-click it to open it. The AutoCAD fi...
要打开大型 .IGS 或 .STEP 文件,请将其上传到 Fusion Team 中心。请参见:在Fusion Team 中上传设计 选择“概述”选项以查看上传的设计文件。 选择“在桌面中打开”选项以在 Fusion 中打开此文件。将零部件、STL、OBJ、DXF 和 SVG 文件插入到现有文件:要将STL、OBJ、DXF 或 SVG 文件插入到现...
問題: DWG/DXFファイルは、出力DWG/DXF機能を持つFusion 360 DWG/DXF図面から、またはパブリックリンクを介してエクスポートされました。eDrawing、Draftsight、またはその他の古いCADシステムなどのサードパーティ製CADビューアで開...
(.CATPart, .CATProduct) to DXF (.dxf)Convert CATIA V5 (.CATPart, .CATProduct) to FBX (.fbx)Convert CATIA V5 (.CATPart, .CATProduct) to glTF (.gltf, .glb)Convert CATIA V5 (.CATPart, .CATProduct) to IFC (.ifc)Convert CATIA V5 (.CATPart, .CATProduct) to IGES (.igs, .iges)...
Using Fusion is possible to export/prepare the parts for production in the following ways:right click save as STL, on a body that needs to be 3D printed use the built-in Fusion CAM processor for the machined parts project on a surface, and then right click export as DXF, for laser ...
Problem: Eine DWG/DXF-Datei wurde aus einer Fusion 360-DWG/DXF-Zeichnung mit DWG/DXF-Ausgabefunktion oder über eine öffentliche Verknüpfung exportiert. Wenn Sie versuchen, sie in einem CAD-Viewer eines Drittanbieters wie eDrawings, ...
The actual leg links were waterjet cut by Big Blue Saw, which is a great online service (although make sure to upload all your parts in one DXF to save money). The waterjet parts were actually precise enough that we did not need to ream the holes for the bearings. Joints For each ...