1. Where can you get to know about the courses at Warwick? A. Accommodation Trails. B. The Information Fair. C. The Sports and Societies Fair. D. Campus Tours. 2. What can you expect to do on the day? A. To experience living on campus. B. To make a reservation for a course. ...
Click on the boxes below to find out more about our Open Days and find the answers to some of our frequently answered questions.Once you have booked,we will send you more detailed information,to help you prepare for the day.(1)Where can you get to know about the courses at Warwick?
Open Days at the University of Warwick We'd love to meet you. Find out what Warwick's all about. We will have a huge range of activities to choose from, to give you a deeper insight into student life here. Accommodation Get a sense of what it will be like to live on our fabulous...
18-Jan Open Day Discover everything University College Birmingham has to offer at our next Open Day on 18 January. There are so many reasons why you should choose to study at University College Birmingham, including finding out more about our partnership with the University of Warwick, but don...
✔曼彻斯特大学虚拟open day为10月3日。 预约链接: https://app.geckoform.com/public/#/modern/FOEU040aG4H9eWIS ✔华威大学为:10月9日、10月10日、10月24日、10月26日。 预约链接: https://your.warwick.ac.uk/form/opendays ✔爱丁堡大学以线上活动取代校园open day,9月8日开始有各种不同的线...
Open Days at the University of Warwick We'd love to meet you. Find out what Warwick's all about. We will have a huge range of activities to choose from, to give you a deeper insight into student life here. Accommodation Get a sense of what it will be like to live on our fabulous...
华威大学University of Warwick 巴斯大学Bath University 伦敦大学亚非学院SOAS---University of London 伦敦大学学院University College London 这种类型的预科都是委托给院校下面的学院在举办,读完本科预科后,成绩合格,便可进入相应大学攻读本科正课。但是,其他院校的认可度不是很高。 约克...
高中英语组卷系统,试题解析,参考答案: 阅读理解Open Days at the University of WarwickWe'd love to meet
中英网11月27日讯 在2014年《TIMES》英国大学综合排名中高居第十位的华威大学(University of Warwick),目前已开放其2014年秋季入学申请。 2013年11月27日(本周三),华威大学研究生Open Day(开放日)开始了,同学们快去参加吧! 若同学们现在身在英国,想要申请华威的硕士课程,就一定不要错过这次机会哦,请点击:http...
1、University of Warwick - WMG (Warwick Manufacturing Group) WMG Masters Open Day 地点:IDL Building, University of Warwick Campus, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK 日期:10 July 2014 2、University of Warwick 日期:9 December 2014 八、谢菲尔德大学“开放日”日期: ...