before OPEN DATASET.It solved the problem. Thanks Meet for the solution. Regards, Pulkit Reply former_member227084 Explorer 2016 Oct 03 1:21 PM 0 Kudos 4,919 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, Mostly in two case you will be getting the sy-subrc = 8 . Please check ...
Hi, When i am excuting my program after excuting the statment "OPEN DATASET ld_file FOR INPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING DEFAULT" iam geeting sy-subrc = 8 .Can any
Solved: Hi Gurus, I am trying to write into an file in application server using the Open dataset command but its not workng i am getting sy-subrc = 8. can anyone tell me
Solved: Hello, I am getting sy-subrc = 8 when i try to open a dataset. The problem is i have two files to read. For the one of them it works fine but not for the other
OPEN DATASET FILE FOR INPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING DEFAULT MESSAGE MESS. IF SY-SUBRC NE 0. WRITE: / MESS. ENDIF. *下次记得你打开了一定要关, close dataset file. FILE PATH 给它一条服务器路径,如果还是打不开, 很有可能是你没有权限读这个文件夹 You must be a registered user to add a comm...
DELETE DATASET dset. Handleable Exceptions CX_SY_FILE_OPEN Cause:The file is already open. Runtime error:DATASET_REOPEN CX_SY_CODEPAGE_CONVERTER_INIT Cause:The required conversion is not supported. (Due to specification of invalid code page or of language not supported in the conversion, with...
Applying OPEN DATASET to a file already opened - in the same internal mode - triggers an exception of the type CX_SY_FILE_OPEN. The Return Code is set as follows: SY-SUBRC = 0: The file was opened. SY-SUBRC = 8: The file could not be opened. Example DATA: dsn(20) ...
OPEN DATASET dset FOR INPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING UTF-8 SKIPPING BYTE-ORDER MARK. DO. READ DATASET dset INTO text. IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ENDIF. cl_demo_output=>write( text ). ENDDO. CLOSE DATASET dset. cl_demo_output=>display( ). ...
READ DATASET lv_file INTO lv_data. IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ENDIF. WRITE: / lv_data. ENDDO. CLOSE DATASET lv_file. 3.2 打开文件并写入内容 DATA: lv_file TYPE string, lv_data TYPE string. lv_file = 'C:\temp\example.txt'. OPEN DATASET lv_file FOR OUTPUT IN TEXT MODE. lv_data...