OpenNutriTracker: Easily log your meals, snacks and access a vast database of food items and ingredients to get detailed nutritional information Screenshot 1 2025 react-native ☆576 Rise — Sleep Companion: Smart Personal Sleep Schedule App. Reimagine your mornings with Rise, your personal smart...
[1726星][1y] [Java] ac-pm/inspeckage Android Package Inspector - dynamic analysis with api hooks, start unexported activities and more. (Xposed Module) [1655星][2m] [Java] tiann/epic Dynamic java method AOP hook for Android(continution of Dexposed on ART), Supporting 4.0~10.0 [1296星]...
Qt-Inspector 属性编辑QtnProperty 属性控件qt-material-widgets [*]QtKnobs 圆形进度条QtAddressBar 资源管理器QtIPEdit在Qt上使用的IP输入框Qt-Code-EditorBlinds 百叶窗QScintilla2 文本编辑器QSint Includes several Qt widgets, charting, property editors etc....
[1726星][1y] [Java] ac-pm/inspeckage Android Package Inspector - dynamic analysis with api hooks, start unexported activities and more. (Xposed Module) [1655星][2m] [Java] tiann/epic Dynamic java method AOP hook for Android(continution of Dexposed on ART), Supporting 4.0~10.0 [1296星]...
Database Bdash - Simple SQL Client for lightweight data analysis. Beekeeper Studio - SQL editor and manager with support for SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres, CockroachDB, SQL Server, and Amazon Redshift. DB Browser for SQLite - SQLite database management GUI. DBeaver - Universal databas...
Sequel Pro - MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS. - The easiest way to get started with mongoDB on the Mac. Development Apache Netbeans - Apache NetBeans is an IDE, Tooling Platform and Application Framework suitable for development in Java, JavaScript, PHP, HTML5, ...
Bdash - Simple SQL Client for lightweight data analysis. Beekeeper Studio - SQL editor and manager with support for SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres, CockroachDB, SQL Server, and Amazon Redshift. DB Browser for SQLite - SQLite database management GUI. DBeaver - Universal database tool ...
firebase_database_web-0.2.3+10 firebase_storage-11.4.1 firebase_storage_web-3.6.12 flutter_local_notifications-16.1.0 flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle-2.0.17 google_sign_in-6.1.5 google_sign_in_android-6.1.20 google_sign_in_ios-5.6.4 ...
eminentli / open-source-mac-os-apps Public forked from serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 0 Star 0 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. License...
(This limit applies to the data in raw form, not base64-encoded form.) If more data is needed, it can be downloaded from S3 by a user-data script. Very new accounts may not be able to launch some instance types, such as GPU instances, because of an initially imposed “soft limit”...