印度开放政府数据(OGD)平台是一个用于支持印度政府开放数据倡议的平台。 Google Dataset Search (beta) 谷歌数据集搜索门户 它是美国政府免费提供有关气候和犯罪等各种惊人信息的门户。 h...
This paper addresses the differences and commonalities of open source and open data. It is based on my personal experience and current understanding of both fields. I first briefly recall the definitions of open source and open data, then I discuss the relationship of program and data, finally ...
开放数据(Open Data)是指那些可以被任何人自由访问、使用和分享的数据,它们以机器可读的格式发布,便于用户进行数据分析、重用及再分发
开源(Open Source):顾名思义是指“开放源代码”,代表着share和use,源代码或源设计因此可以被大众...
Believe in the power of open source community 探索项目关于我们 自主开源 阿里巴巴持续操作系统、云原生、数据库、大数据&AI等多个领域自主开源项目,拥有超过3万个贡献者,位列中国企业开源活跃度榜首。 Anolis OS 一款开源、安全、稳定的服务器操作系统,全面兼容CentOS生态 ...
一般情况下,软件的源代码只由编写者拥有,而开源(即开放源代码,Open Source Code)是指一种更自由的...
Innovate faster and more securely with open source on Azure Build on a highly secure cloud platform designed to protect your data and business assets, including proactive, comprehensive compliance coverage. Gain the flexibility to move your app anywhere. Operate seamlessly and elastically, on-premises...
RDMP is a free, open source software application for cohort building, loading, linking, anonymisation and extraction of datasets stored in relational databases (SQL Server, MySQL, Postgres and Oracle). It was designed from the bottom up to support with data provenance, preserving domain knowledge ...
opendatadatasetsaaron-swartzawesome-public-datasets UpdatedNov 13, 2024 OpenRefine/OpenRefine Sponsor Star11.1k OpenRefine is a free, open source power tool for working with messy data and improving it javadata-sciencereconciliationwikidataopendatajournalismdata-analysisdata-wranglingdataminingdatajournalismda...
International Open Data Charter 纽约政府开放数据平台 美国官网数据超市 提供230,256个数据集、14个数据目录 新加坡政府开放数据平台 提供1700个数据集、9个数据目录 ...