Whatever you come up with, you'll be wrong. The future that does eventually emerge will almost certainly not look like the scenarios you construct. However, it's possible to be wrong in useful ways--good scenarios will trigger minor epiphanies (what more traditional consultants usually call "a...
Nevertheless, more research needs to system, including the source identification of N2O Mathematical modeling serves as a powerful tool for design and operation of wastewater treatment systems and provides insights from single pathways ionrtotwthoepbaitohcwhaeyms ihcaavlepbatehewnadyesv. eMloapthedeman...
modeled as workflows and to be exported and deployed in mashup servers. This project will try to bridge the workflow domain and mashup domain using their commonalities. The project builds on the existing workflow modeling tool XBaya which currently supports exporting workflows as BPEL and Jython ...
At each follow-up, patients underwent a standardized telephone interview and completed a self-reported symptom questionnaire and a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) assessment test (CAT), which was initially designed to assess symptom burden of patients with COPD based on a modeling study ...
Moreover, using only thermal features we could still successfully detect stress with an accuracy of 86.84% in a contact-free manner.Gioia, FedericaGreco, AlbertoCallara, Alejandro LuisScilingo, Enzo PasqualeSensors (14248220)
Rho, GianlucaCallara, Alejandro LuisBernardi, GiulioScilingo, Enzo PasqualeGreco, AlbertoScientific Reports