OPEN CALL FOR ARTISTS Zurich, Switzerland We invite artists to submit their work for consideration in upcoming exhibitions and collaborative projects. This open call serves as an opportunity to engage with a broader artistic platform and have your work featured in various curated programs across multip...
Exhibitions Fine Arts Gallery Photography Visual Arts Theme: #opencall #callforartists #finearts Country: #United States City: New York Organisation: A Space Gallery Eligibility: International Keywords: #art#artgallery#fineartA Space gallery (Brooklyn, NY) is excited to announce that our 202...
2023OURWORLD我们的世界2023国际当代艺术展用我们自己的方式来描绘我们的世界公开征集 | OPEN CALLFOREWORD/ 前言 /2020年,在一场巨大的健康风暴中,《我们的世界》展览迈出了它的第一步,如同一幅空白的画布染上它的第一份笔触,如同在黑暗世界中的一束希望之光。2022年,心中一直期待2023开启它的第三篇章,希望...
inviting Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, Nanjing University/Hong Kong Polytechnic University/Nanjing Academy of Arts to carry out design work camps, exhibitions, a...
through its collection. Its ongoing and in-depth collaboration with artists, collectors, and scholars through research-based exhibitions, academic lectures, and symposiums aims to present, study, and discuss the current and critical phenome...
During this exhibition, a charity auction will continue to be held with Fang Fang Education Project, 10% of the sales and auction proceeds of all on-site exhibits and art derivatives will be donated to Fang Fang Education Project to improve the education of the Miao Minority children in Guangx...
Art Exhibitions open,本视频由看看新闻Knews提供,1次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
This workcamp will bring together experts and students from fields such as digital art, digital design, digital humanities, digital cultural heritage and emotional geography to conduct interdisciplinary experiments together. 鲁安东 LU Andong 南京大学建筑与城市规划学院副院长、教授 ...
*OpenCall’s theme will be updated from time to time, please pay attention to the official website of the Deji Art Museum for specific information. Submission Specifications 1. Scope of Solicitation:The works should be created within the past three years. Solicitation will be conducted through ...
The call is open for architects, artists, designers, researchers, curators, critics (individuals or teams) of Thai nationality. Submitted projects may fall into a wide range of genres – associated with architecture, art, design, and other disciplines – and should reflect on the re...