If the bundle contains more than one resource file, the function returns an error code only if none was opened. The most common error is resFNotFound, but the function may also pass through other errors returned from the Resource Manager. See Also Locating Bundle Resources func CFBundle...
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Building Syncthing from source is easy. After extracting the source bundle from a release or checking out git, you just need to rungo run build.goand the binaries are created in./bin. There'sa guidewith more details on the build process. ...
In contrast, app-specific BUNDLE files are often stored in an app's installation or support directory. How to open a BUNDLE file BUNDLE files are not meant to be opened manually. However, if you want to view a BUNDLE file's contents in macOS, you can do so by: ...
This directory /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/ contains CA certificate bundle files which are automatically created based on the information found in the/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/and/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/directories. 参考资料2: ...
模块:单一的代码分配单元。指的是Framework或App bundle。在Swift中,可以用import关键字引入自己的工程。 在Swift 中,Framework或App bundle被作为模块处理。如果你是为了实现某个通用的功能,或者是为了封装一些常用方法而将代码打包成Framework,这个Framework在Swift中就被称为模块。不论它被引入到某个App工程或者其他的...
WorkingDirectory=~ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/coredns-conf=/etc/coredns/Corefile ExecReload=/bin/kill-SIGUSR1$MAINPIDRestart=on-failure[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.targetEOF 新建coredns用户: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 ...
Symfony Swoole Bundle phpsymfonyasyncbundlesymfony-bundleswooleopenswoole UpdatedMar 1, 2025 PHP OpenSwoole GRPC for PHP [READ ONLY] grpcgrpc-servergrpc-clientgrpc-phpopenswoole UpdatedSep 8, 2024 PHP openswoole/docker-openswoole Star42 Docker image for Open Swoole ...
The generated bundle is available in the ca-bundle.pem secret in the sdi namespace. Raw # oc get -n "${SDI_NAMESPACE:-sdi}" -o go-template='{{index .data "ca-bundle.pem"}}' \ secret/ca-bundle.pem | base64 -d >sdi-service-ca-bundle.pem Create the reencrypt route for the...
assets/: Raw resource files that developers bundle with the app AndroidManifest.xml: Describes the name, version, and contents of the APK file classes.dex: The compiledJavaclasses to be run on the device (.DEXfile) resources.arsc: The compiled resources, such as strings, used by the ap...