O que significa Manbobo?Pergunta anterior/Próxima pergunta O que significa Orotund? O que significa Beats me.?Pergunte a falantes nativos gratuitamente Inscreva-se grátis Novas perguntas por tipo Como você diz isto? O que significa isso? Qual é a diferença? Me mostre frases de exempl...
Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a secondary metabolite of many marine algal species, is released during foraging by higher-order consumers. DMSP has been studied intensively for its role in oceanic ...
COGNICIN Y SEMIOSIS. EL SUJETO QUE PIENSA ES EL MISMO QUE SIGNIFICAdoi:10.26754/ojs_tropelias/tropelias.2022386901SEMIOTICSSUBJECTIVITYENUNCIATIONMIRRORSEMOTIONSBoth cognitive sciences and semiotics encourage a portrait of the subject, that is,...
I understand the decategorization of music: a) does not eliminate the systems of musical classification, but it provides an approach close to the experiences and knowledge of the social actors; b) contains the evidence of the creativity and systems thinking works as an action of musicking and ...
One question that has been found to be highly predictive of overall satisfaction with every teacher is often worded as "this teacher helps me to learn", but what does this phrase mean? To find out about this, a qualitative research study was carried out with more...
Mujeres-madres que trabajan. La resignificación de la maternidad en mujeres profesionistas en Guadalajara-Méxicodoi:10.18800/anthropologica.201902.006GUADALAJARA (Mexico)CONDUCT of lifeBUSINESSWOMENMOTHERSEMOTIONSWORKING mothersINTERVIEWINGThe purpose of this article is to a...
Additionally, the text presents a list of bibliographic references related to the study of religious changes, world studies, psychology of meaning, and other related topics.Taves, AnnREVER: Revista de Estudos da Religio
The book offers a critical analysis of the prevailing narrative in the field of bioethics, challenging current discussions on abortion, assisted reproduction, and end-of-life decisions. Snead argues against "expressive individualism" and proposes an approach based on virtues s...
From the point of view of Pedagogy it can be founded that the educational relationship is a concept with a meaning of its own, related to the character of education, and it requires agreement between values and feelings in each interaction. The aim of this work is...
This article presents the results of a qualitative research on the meanings that the act of singing cradle songs has for mothers from the Elqui province in the Coquimbo region, Chile. Our main objective was to elucidate the ideas regarding the functions that this song has fulfille...