Edwards TB, Walch G (2003) Open biceps tenodesis: the interference screw technique. Tech Shoulder Elbow Surg 4:195–198Edwards TB, Walch G: Open biceps tenodesis: The interference screw technique. Tech Shoulder Elbow Surg 4:195-198, 2003...
As the role of the long head of the biceps tendon becomes increasingly recognized as a component of rotator cuff pathology, indications for biceps tenodesis have expanded. Historical techniques of biceps tenodesis often have been tedious, involving keyholes and/or transosseous sutures. We have bee...
Table 1. Mini-Open Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis With Dual Fixation Using a Suture Anchor and Bone-Bridge Backup AdvantagesDisadvantages Table 2. Pearls and Pitfalls of this Technique of Mini-Open Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis With Dual Fixation Using a Suture Anchor and Bone-Bridge Backup PearlsPi...
Background: Studies suggest that similar clinical results are achieved via arthroscopic and open biceps tenodesis (BT) techniques. Purpose: To quantify the postoperative migration of the BT construct between arthroscopic suprapectoral BT (ASPBT) and open subpectoral BT (OSPBT) techniques via interfere...
Open Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis Versus Arthroscopic Repair For SLAP Tears In Patients Under 30 doi:10.1016/j.jse.2022.01.095Journal of the National Cancer InstituteEoghan T. HurleyNathan A. LorentzChristopher A. ColasantiKirk A. CampbellMichael J. AlaiaLaith M. Jazrawi...
bicepsinstability tenodesissubpectoralsubscapularisThe function of the biceps tendon in the shoulder remains controversial. This tendon can be a source of significant anterior shoulder pain that can lead to persistent shoulder dysfunction.doi:10.1053/otsm.2003.35887Augustus D Mazzocca...
Cement Arthrodesis of the Knee with a Custom Long Recon Nail After Failed Total Knee Arthroplasty: Surgical Technique and Results Volume: 12 (2018): 554.[Electronic Publication Date: December 21, 2018] Malcolm R. DeBaun, Stuart B. Goodman and David W. Lowenberg Abstract View Fulltext HTML ...
Modified Open Suprapectoral EndoButton Tension Slide Tenodesis Technique of Long Head of Biceps with Restored Tendon Tension-Length. March 31, 2017 [MEDLINE Abstract] Surgical Treatment of Angular Pott's Kyphosis with Posterior Approach, Pedicular Wedge Osteotomy and Canal Widening. ...
Labral Repair Versus Biceps Tenotomy/Tenodesis for the Treatment of Type II SLAP Lesions: Indications and Technique. July 31, 2018 [MEDLINE Abstract] Is it Possible to Recover Cardiac Functions After Total Knee Arthroplasty? July 19, 2018 ...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical results of surgical repair for proximal long head of the biceps (LHB) tendon ruptures comparing chronic primary and postsurgical revision LHB tendon ruptures. Materials and methods Patients who underwent subpectoral LHB tenodesis for chronic ru...