MeeisLee August 9, 2013 at 7:06 AM UNREGISTERED It sounds dark :). I remember reading something about putting dental training to good use. My friend doesn't really like dark movies and likes to opt for the fun rom-com but I think she (and I) want to at least experience seeing ...
Now, in my early 20s, when with a group of friends talking about movies from our childhood and thinking of those songs, when someone starts singing them, I go a lot further in the lyrics than most can because of these CDs. When you were a kid, that’s what you did, you l...
Despite making it to the final round of auditions, she "choked" during her last performance and was not selected. She kept in touch with Timberlake, though, and they met up after her divorce from Nick Lachey in 2006. "We were both single, and we got to talking about...