Paste the value of appDeploymentTemplateYaml or appDeploymentYaml into a Bash shell, and run the command. The output of this command is the application deployment YAML. Look for the ingress TLS secret with keyword secretName, such as - secretName: secret785e2c. Save aside the secretName value...
MicrosoftGraphOAuth2PermissionGrant MicrosoftGraphObjectIdentity MicrosoftGraphOfferShiftRequest MicrosoftGraphOfficeGraphInsights MicrosoftGraphOnPremisesExtensionAttributes MicrosoftGraphOnPremisesProvisioningError MicrosoftGraphOnenote MicrosoftGraphOnenoteEntityBaseModel MicrosoftGraphOnenoteEntityHierarchyM...
mysql -uroot -p -e "CREATE DATABASE dcim;CREATE USER 'dcim'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'dcim';GRANT ALL ON dcim.* TO 'dcim'@'localhost';" Make from cp PHP SNMP Module Install php-snmp and enable it in /etc/php/php.ini ...
Azure SDK for Java การค้นหา Azure SDK for Java documentation Reference Overview Active Directory API Center App Compliance Automation App Configuration App Platform App Service Application Insights Attestation Authorization Azure VMware Solution Batch Billing Bing ...
Integrating OpenAPI-enabled Azure Functions to Azure API Management: This document shows how to integrate the Azure Functions application withAzure API Management, via this OpenAPI extension. Generic CI/CD Pipeline Support: This document shows how to generate the OpenAPI document within a CI/CD pipeli...
Error when you enter URL for SQL Reporting Services report server or report manager server Error when you grant a user access to a test company Error when you print a report Error when you process in Dynamics GP Error when you start Dynamics GP on a client workstation Error when you try ...
Graphs and diagrams should be exported directly out of the software application used to create them in a vector file format, such as .wmf, and then inserted into the Word document. Image file formats such as .jpg, .tif, and .gif are generally not suitable for graphs. Photographs, ...
It is deployed as an OpenShift template. Its behaviour is controlled by the template's parameters which are mirrored to its environment variables. Deploy SDI Observer in its own k8s namespace (e.g. sdi-observer). Please refer to its documentation for the complete list of issues that it curr...
The function of the OpenSSO Enterprise Authentication Service is to retrieve credentials from an authenticating party (a user, administrator, or client application), and validate them against a configured repository. Towards this end, the OpenSSO Enterprise console is used to specify the authentication...
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE neutron; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON neutron.* TO 'neutron'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'NEUTRON_DBPASS'; Query ...