closed question 和 open question的区别 closed question有两种定义.狭义的定义就是:可以用Yes/No回答的就是closed question.广义的定义是:可以用一个简单单词或短语来回答的就是closed question.按照这个定义,除了Yes/No questions,诸如"How old are you?","Where do you live,in Beijing or in Shanghai?"也都...
" A "closed" question begins, "What time were you..."rnOpen questions create a two-way conversation, allowing the interviewee to answer on his terms and take the answers into the conversational direction he prefers. Open questioning is the best indicator of the interviewee's cooperation. As ...
OpenandClosedQuestions Thesearetwotypesofquestionsyoucanusethatareverydifferentincharacterandusage. Closedquestions Definition Therearetwodefinitionsthatareusedtodescribeclosedquestions.Acommondefinitionis: Aclosedquestioncanbeansweredwitheitherasinglewordorashortphrase. Thus'Howoldareyou?'and'Wheredoyoulive?'are...
My teacher always asks us some open-ended/closed end questions. 口语: 1. Okay.Got you.If you ask me open-ended questions, you ask questions that ask who, what, where, when, and how.For example.Where are you going ? 2.Open-ended questions are questions about who,what,where,when and ...
“Who was the Captain of the Titanic?” (closed) “Do you think the Captain was fit to do the job?” (closed) “Why do you think the Captain was/wasn’t fit do to the job?” (open) This use of open and closed questions in combination allows the teacher to ask clarifying questions...
aA questionnaire with open and closed questions regarding the procedures used by the physiotherapists during the use of the US as well as questions related to the proper equipment was applied. Three-hundred and fifty questionnaires were sent via mail and via email. 一张查询表以未解决和闭合的问题...
Individual questionnaire, is trying to use hybrid structure of open and closed questions, and distributed to the selected population, in order to obtain additional primary data (as shown in Appendix 1.0), it is a cost-effective and efficient research methods to save time, money and can get fas...
andasareadingstrategy”(Moss,2002,p.78).Aseffectivelearners,wenotonlyneedanswer questions,aboveall,butalsoweshouldacquiretoaskdifferentstylesofquestions,judgeelements ofquestions,andreachtheconclusions.Openandclosedquestionsarebothmeritsanddemerits, inordertoenhanceclasseffectiveness;weneedseekforabalancepointandcr...
Tacking “and why?” on at the end of a question will only give you simple answers. And, no, adding “and why?” will not turn closed-ended questions into open-ended ones! Asking “What did you purchase today, and why?” will give you an answer like “3 pairs of socks for a gif...
My teacher always asks us some open-ended/closed end questions. 口语: 1. Okay.Got you.If you ask me open-ended questions, you ask questions that ask who, what, where, when, and how.For example.Where are you going ? 2.Open-ended qu...