anaconda之Spyder 工具菜单丢失 "open command prompt"2024年08月06日45yxwkf我将我的spyder版本从3.1.3更新到3.2.3,现在我在“工具”菜单下找不到“打开命令提示符”选项. 当降级回 3.1.3 时,它又回来了,但我更喜欢使用更新后的版本。 有什么想法吗? 请您参考如下方法: (这里是 Spyder 开发人员)命令...
I just downloaded Anaconda to my Windows laptop. When attempting to open the command prompt, the prompt opens and automatically closes four to five times before closing all together. Thanks for opening an issue! Please fill out the following template in full. A few things to keep in mind: ...
Opening Anaconda Prompt, and enteringanaconda-navigator Anaconda or Miniconda version: anaconda Command line client (version 1.7.2) Operating System: Windows conda info active environment : base active env location : C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3 shell level : 1 user config file : C:\Users\eugeneteo\...
当我从Anaconda Command Prompt或Spyder IDE Python控制台运行以下代码(或使用multiprocessing模块的任何代码)时,我收到以下错误消息。当我在Spyder IDE iPython控制台中运行代码时,我没有收到错误,但是程序永远不会完成,并且从我的Windows Task Manager中,我可以看到python没有使用任何CPU,即使SpyderFile "C:\...
After uninstalling Python/Anaconda on your Windows computer, Command Prompt may not open. When you run , it flashes on the screen and immediately quits. Also…
地址如下:https://www.anaconda.com下载完双击安装即可,安装完在程序列表中会出现一个叫做"Anaconda Prompt (Anaconda)"的东西,就是我们刚刚装的虚拟环境。 2. 创建虚拟环境 打开刚刚安装的Anaconda,输入如下指令: conda create -n whisper python=3.9
anaconda-post.log bin dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var sh-4.2# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Service 在Openshift 中,Service 是一种 Kubernetes 资源类型,用于定义一组 Pod 的访问方式。Service 可以将一组 Pod 封装成一个虚拟的服务,提供统一的入口地址,使得其...
Step 2)Next, in your terminal (or anaconda command prompt), you can create a new conda environment based on hf-env.yml using the following commands >>> cd <directory with hf-env.yml> >>> conda env create --file hf-env.yml
In the Command Prompt window, typeexplorer.exeand pressEnter Start the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) and go to the following branch: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon In the right-pane, right-click on theShellregistry value and choose Delete. ...
If you have Anacondaconda install -c anacondasmart-open If you have Jupyter Notebook!pip installsmart-open!pip3 installsmart-open Problem Formulation You’ve just learned about the awesome capabilities of thesmart-openlibrary and you want to try it out, so you start your code with the followi...