Opening a bank account before you move abroad is usually a good idea because your home credit history can then be more easily referenced. If you usually bank with an institution that also operates in South Africa, then you may be able to work with your local branch to get an account open...
In this paper, we present ABSA (Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis) Toolkit developed for performing aspect-level sentiment analysis on customer reviews. The system has two main phases: (a) development phase and (b) production phase. The development phase allows a user to train models for ...
cameras still monitored humans. To address this limitation, we developed a dataset of risk factors and a smart detection system that enables an immediate response to any abnormal behavior and intensive monitoring thereof. We created an innovative learning dataset that takes into account seven unique ...
Focuses on the interlocking South African companies of Absa, Sage and Sanlam Ltd. Failure of Sanlam's demutualization to hasten the restructuring of Absa and Sage; Distinction between `bancassurance' and `assurancebanc'; Investments of South A...
ONLINE commentsThis research study focuses the cross-domain aspect-based sentiment analysis (CD-ABSA) for existing source domain annotation data. The CD-ABSA tries to use the valuable information in a source domain to extract aspect terms and evaluate their sentiment polari...