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Open 24 Hours / EN version Direction Xavi Camprecios Year 2009 29min Audio Tracks Subtitles In a street in the north of Shanghai we find a small restaurant, dirty and run-down, but with lots of personality, where Chinese noodles (miantiao) are made 24 hours a day. It’s run...
yattee: Alternative YouTube frontend for iOS, tvOS and macOS built with Invidious and Piped, supports sponsorblock ytcast: Cast YouTube videos to your smart TV from the command line. This program does roughly the same thing as the "Play on TV" button that appears on the player bar when ...
These all appear on Mosfilm’s official YouTube channel. 300+ Free Movies Streaming on YouTube— Free— YouTube officially provides a large number of Hollywood movies that you can watch free with ads. Many films are unfortunately geo-...
Facebook About Us Open Culture scours the web for the best educational media. We find the free courses and audio books you need, the language lessons & educational videos you want, and plenty of enlightenment in between. Advertise With Us...
Gonzalo Lira’s The Roundtable YouTube channel. obviously had many followers – and with good reason. At the time, I wrote: “These videos included a range of very respectable and informative guests and the information conveyed in the discussions was invaluable. Just imagine hosting people like...
Tech support: There will be times when you have questions and/or concerns. Find software that offers many forms of support, from live agents to training videos and detailed documentation. This allows you to spend more time on resource planning and less time on tasks that don’t move the nee...
Bradbury, Ray— All Summer in a Day —Free Stream/MP3 Bradbury, Ray— The Golden Apples of the Sun —Free Stream/MP3 Bradbury, Ray— The Martian Chronicles & The Illustrated Man Read by Leonard Nimoy —YouTube ...
; “Watch videos (such as YouTube)?”; “Play video games on a computer, console, phone, or other device (Xbox, Play Station, iPad)?”; “Text on a cell phone, tablet, or computer (eg, GChat, Whatsapp, etc.)?”; “Visit social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,...
You can easily play YouTube videos on SMPlayer and it will automatically download all subtitles. It offers multiple skins as well as icon themes so you can change your app look every day. You will also find world’s best video equalizer embedded to this super cool platform.10...