Publication fees for open access jour- nals: different disciplines---different methods. J Am Soc Inf Sci. 2013;64:2591---4.Kozak, M., & Hartley, J. (2013). Publication fees for open access journals: Different disciplines--different methods. Journal of the American Society for Information ...
open access policies, elsevier has established agreements with a number of funding bodies. list of agreements transformative journals we commit to the transformative journal criteria. we are piloting transformative journal status for more than 160 journals opens in new tab/window from across our ...
Journals Open access journals Committed to open research, we offer researchers, institutions and their funders the world’s most significant open access portfolio. We publish nearly 600 fully open access journals in all disciplines – from the life sciences to the humanities. Authors also have the ...
Gold open accessThrough gold open access, the author pays an Article Publication Charge, and the article is immediately freely available online for all to read, download, and share. We have a program of fully open access journals and most of our subscription-based journals offer an open access...
1. 公开取阅的期刊 公开取阅的期刊(Open-access Journals) 基於期刊论文应该被广泛使用与传播的理由,学者们需要发行新一代的公开取阅期刊, …|基于22个网页 2. 公开存取的期刊 (2)公开存取的期刊(Open-access Journals) 基于期刊论文应该被广泛使用与传播的理由,学者们需要发行新一代...
A list of open access journals that focus on broad range of fields within the clinical and medical sciences
Request should be made to the journal editors after the article has been submitted, peer-reviewed and accepted for publication by the Journal. The article will be made open Access on publication once payment has been received. The standard license for Open Access journal articles is CC-BY but ...
期刊 出版社: Open Access Library O O Open Access Library Journal (OALib Journal) Open Access Library PrePrints (OALib PrePrints)
Open Access Fees and Funding All articles published in npj Climate Action are made freely and permanently available online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Further information about open access can be found here....
Publication Promotion Webinars and Events Your institution wants you to publish open access Wiley and Carolina Consortium institutions have an agreement which allows eligible authors to publish open access without paying an article publication charge (APC). The cost of...