Araqudiqe.N,Kevin.C.A.Database Coverage and I mpact Factor of Open Access Journals in Pharmacy. Journal of Elec-tronic Resources in Medical Libraries . 2009Aragudige, N. and Kevin, C.A. ( 2009 ), “ Database coverage and impact factor of open access journals in pharmacy ”, Journal ...
openaccesslibraryjournal不是sci。Open Access Library Journal是一个开源访问的期刊,意味着任何人都可以免费获取和阅读其中的文章。而SCI,即科学引文索引,是评价学术刊物影响力的重要指标之一,主要涵盖了全球范围内的高影响力学术刊物。Open Access Library Journal并未被纳入SCI收录范围。SCI是一个高度选...
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OAJRC has training programs on academic writing, open access journal management and reviewing mansucripts, with an aim to make open access publishing as easy as possible for authors, editors and reviewers. What disciplines do we cover? We work together with a team of experts from various fields...
以下属于开放存取期刊数据库的是?A.DOAJ(Dorectory of Open Access Journal)B.High Wire PressC.BioMed Cen
open access policies, elsevier has established agreements with a number of funding bodies. list of agreements transformative journals we commit to the transformative journal criteria. we are piloting transformative journal status for more than 160 journals opens in new tab/window from across our ...
This journal is a peer reviewed, subsidized open access journal wherepays the OA fee permanently. Authors do not have to pay any open access publication fee. Peer review under the responsibility of. All articles published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read,...
A list of open access journals that focus on broad range of fields within the clinical and medical sciences
Data is a peer-reviewed, open access journal on data in science, with the aim of enhancing data transparency and reusability. The journal publishes in two sections: a section on the collection, treatment and analysis methods of data in science; a section publishing descriptions of scientific and...