This ranking work was performed by the team of Open Access Library (OALib). Currently, you can view a journals’ ranking by selecting proper research keywords from the A-Z list on this page: OA Publications’ Ranking. For example: Food Science & Technology. Meanwhile, as for the journals ...
Open access journals Committed to open research, we offer researchers, institutions and their funders the world’s most significant open access portfolio. We publish nearly 600 fully open access journals in all disciplines – from the life sciences to the humanities. Authors also have the option to...
Science and Education Publishing is an academic publisher of open access journals. It also publishes academic books and conference proceedings. SciEP currently has 100+ open access journals in the areas of Earth &Environmental Sciences, Medicine &Healthc
Science and Education Publishing is an academic publisher of open access journals. It also publishes academic books and conference proceedings. SciEP currently has 100+ open access journals in the areas of Earth &Environmental Sciences, Medicine &Healthc
A list of open access journals that focus on broad range of fields within the clinical and medical sciences
This is a ranking system based on Google Scholar Metrics (h5-index) for about 4600 OA journals according to different research fields. You can view the journals’ ranking by selecting proper research keywords.
Symbiosis journals is a best, top and high quality open access journals publishing high quality articles in the field of medical, surgical and basic sciences. All the best open access journals strictly maintain the publication standards and ethics to mai
McCook A. Open-access journals rank well. The Scientist 2004.McCook A. Open-access journals rank well. The Scientist. [serial on the Internet]. 2004 November [cited 2006 Octo- ber 10]; Available from: news/20040427/05/...
Open AccessArticle Developing a Label-Free Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis with Chemometrics and Computational Enhancement for Assessing Lupus Nephritis Activity by Mei-Ching Yu, Xiang-Di Huang, Chin-Wei Kuo, Kai-Fu Zhang, Ping-Chung Liang, U-Ser Jeng, Pei-Yu Huang, Frederick Wai Keung Tam and...
Reports is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal about the medical cases, images, and videos in human medicine, published quarterly online by MDPI. Open Access— free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. High Visibility: indexed...