This survey was carried out at the Zimbabwe Open University`s Mashonaland East and West region and sought to establish the challenges affecting the full implementation of internet based tutoring in ODL. The population for the study was 28 tutors and 700 students. A stratified simple random sample...
Learning to teach: mentoring and tutoring student teachers from The Open University★★★(9) Developing your skills as an HR professional from The Open University★★★☆(8) Sure, I know how to talk to people! from The Open University★★★(8) Forensic science and fingerprints from The Ope...
Create a sub-folder for each problem step (Ex. circle1a, circle1b) In each sub-folder, create a json file for that problem step (Ex. circle1a.json) Ensure that the step name matches the folder name Create a sub-folder within the step's sub-folder called tutoring Place each hint ...
The emergence of free, open, online, help forums has transformed tutoring from a private and individual activity into a public and collective endeavor. These forums support asynchronous exchanges between individuals from around the world. Students visit these forums seeking help on specific queries from...
MOOC, online courses, and training; computer-based courses and instruction; e-learning, teaching and learning; Web-based teaching, teaching and learning; Internet-based learning and teaching; tele schooling, TV-based learning and tele-teaching; and video curricular learning, tutoring, and learner...
Learn what open communication is. Discover strategies and benefits of open communication in the workplace, and study examples of how to foster open...
Open Source Scheduling: Send a link and meet or build an entire marketplace for humans to connect
The intuitive interface and advanced features streamline my time management. The standout, however, is the incredible support team—swift, expert responses to every query. A perfect combo for seamless scheduling and top-notch customer service. P.s. Way better than Calendly Show more...
Note: If you’re interested in more information before getting started, we recommend having a look at ourHow to Start a Businessguide (DIY) or our in-depthBest Business Formation Servicesreview (for those opting for a professional service). ...
Open Tent Academy is a service provider for Virginia residents who qualify for the K-12 Learning Acceleration Grant. This allows qualifying families to use grant funding towards instruction “…in core content areas (English reading/writing, mathematics, science and history/social science) and foreign...