AdGuard Home 的工作原理是在 DNS 的域名解析过程中拦截网页上的广告,目前支持 DNS over TLS 和 DNS over HTTPS,本教程讲解讲解如何配置 OpenWRT 的 AdGuardHome 实现DNS防污染加快网站解析速度 和 广告拦截。 3.什么是DNS? 开搞之前先搞清楚几个概念,便于折腾: 【客户端(client)】:指在本地的电脑或者软件,而...
YouTag: Music player that downloads from the internet, even YouTube Screenshot 1 2023 swift ☆320 ZenTuner: Minimal chromatic tuner App Store Screenshot 1 2024 swift ☆555Contentback to topAlamofire Star Wars 2019 swift ☆2 ArtShredder: Banksy Shredder https://marty-suzuki.github...
AdGuard Home 的工作原理是在 DNS 的域名解析过程中拦截网页上的广告,目前支持 DNS over TLS 和 DNS over HTTPS,本教程讲解讲解如何配置 OpenWRT 的 AdGuardHome 实现DNS防污染加快网站解析速度 和 广告拦截。 3.什么是DNS? 开搞之前先搞清楚几个概念,便于折腾: 【客户端(client)】:指在本地的电脑或者软件,而...
I think those indulging in the current emotionally negative reactions should be more realistic. First, stop blaming the voters – after all, you may wish them to work for you in the future. But also consider the possibilities. It is easy to not see anything positive and I can easily unders...
升级新版本后,经常是不是不能访问Youtube和其他外网,反复修改各种配置也无效,现在导出日志供参考 OpenClash Log OpenClash 调试日志 生成时间: 2024-10-06 10:47:01 插件版本: v0.46.033-beta 隐私提示: 上传此日志前请注意检查、屏蔽公网IP、节点、密码等相关敏感信息 #=== 系统信息 ===# 主机型号: PAI...
23.【Youtube 去广告】 24.【大圣净化】 25.【澳门皇家赌场及恶意广告主机列表】 26.【adgk 手机去广告规则】 ...
OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Stream to Twitch, YouTube and many other providers or record your own videos with high quality H264 / AAC encoding.
Unable to open Youtube Application Last Update date : 23 November 2020* Please note, this section is designed to give you basic product troubleshooting information, also refer to your user manual for more information.-Symptom:YouTube apps just keep on loading when launch in Smart Hub...
This article was originally published by Amar Singh on Medium titled "You're working in the wrong place." At my most recent job, I did all of my best work at home. I would actively try to avoid the office for as long as possible. At home, I had two desks and complete control over...
NVIDIA Omniverse™ 是一款結合 API、SDK 和服務的平台,方便開發人員將OpenUSD、NVIDIA RTX™ 渲染技術以及生成式實體人工智慧整合至現有的軟體工具和模擬工作流程中,適用於工業和機器人案例。 客製化並擴展應用 使用少量程式碼和無程式碼的範例應用,以及可輕鬆修訂的 Omniverse SDK 擴充功能,從零開發新的工具和工...