Define opcode. opcode synonyms, opcode pronunciation, opcode translation, English dictionary definition of opcode. n a computer code containing operating instructions Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCol
opcode 指令助记符,如LDR,STR 等 cond 执行条件,如EQ,NE 等 S 是否影响CPSR 寄存器的值,书写时影响CPSR,否则不影响 Rd 目标寄存器 Rn 第一个操作数的寄存器 operand2 第二个操作数 指令格式举例如下: LDR R0,[R1] ;读取R1 地址上的存储器单元内容,执行条件AL BEQ DATAEVEN ;跳转指令,执 ...
These opcodes modify the operand and Bitwise AND of two integers; result goes in operand. Arg Type Description operand [word!] Must refer to an integer value [word! integer!] Notes and Examples and*: rebcode [operand [integer!] value [integer!]] [ and operand value return operand ] and...