New ONE PIECE CARD GAME setting sail for a simultaneous worldwide release! Various characters will be available as cards each 「Straw Hat Crew」「Worst Generation」「Warlord of the Sea」「Animal Kingdom Pirates」. Explore and discover ONE PIECE with your
航海王OPCG居然开出了宝藏包!!! 吉安动漫GIAN-TOYS 07:27 对象说超过5000赞就给我报销这箱PTCG6.0肥源! 卡丘生 11.5万398 04:06 今天拆遗忘在角落宝可梦简中一周年礼盒 奥特曼卡片日记一Cimi 05:40 PRB01黄金盒首发日高罕卡价参考(含金咚) 怕烫的火拳 ... OP06领航构筑官方入门介绍 -月 光·莫利亚- 【咚‼×1】【攻擊時】➁(可將費用區的咚‼卡依指...
Update Sept 5, 2024, 8:29pm CT: Adjusted all Leader rankings following the release ofTwo Legendsin September. Adding all playable OP-08 Leaders to the tiers. ThisOne Piece Card Gametier list will be updated as the meta evolves.