/v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/navigationnodes リスト・ラッパー内の一致するナビゲーション・ノードを返します リクエスト レスポンス パス・パラメータ portalId タイプ:string 必須:true 問合せパラメータ 制限 タイプ:integer(int32) ...
技术增强,如支持Bootstrap 5.1.3快速开发Web应用程序的前端框架;支持Siemens Web Framework(SWF)4.6;支持Windows Server 2022等。 淘汰了过时的组件,如Portal经典模式,Portal Studio 1.0和Designer 1.0等。 Rest API的增强,如利用Swagger UI改进Rest API的可视性,提供Postman调试Rest API的功能。 单点登录的增强,使用...
curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @create-member.json http://hostname:port/rest/api/v1/portal/portals/{portalId}/members?utoken=utoken 説明: create-member.jsonは、リクエストの本文を含むJSONファイルです。 hostname:portは、Oracle WebCenter Portalを...
在浏览器界面上调用 https://localhost/CamstarPortal/api/values 2.添加前端界面和菜单 自定义界面添加页面在主目录下添加文件夹html,再添加自定义页面demo.aspx 添加菜单 这个时候点击菜单页面并不会显示出来,修改PortalService.cs的GetChildMenuItems方法,添加三行代码(黄色底色部分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
New Opcenter Intra Plant Logistics portal for web applications New Opcenter Intra Plant Logistics web configuration pages AGV integration via SIMOVE Benefits of Opcenter Intra Plant Logistics 2210: Improve configuration efficiency for Opcenter Intra Plant Logistics and MES Reduce inventory and costs while...
Navigation in the Opcenter EX Portal The Shop Floor Execution Model Review of basic (most frequently used) transactions Transactions that change attributes or status of WIP Options for user centric work space Searching in Opcenter EX Core Manufacturing Audit Trail Expanding the model Bill of Ma...
Today at Gruppo Campari, such information is collected and stored in a unified global repository, accessible via the internet to 140 contributors (specialists who input and approve data) and some 400 readers in different roles, mostly outside engineering, who access the web portal to read informat...
Portal Automation Engineering Framework Software Development & IoT Capital Embedded Software, Networks & Tools Insights Hub Industrial IoT for Digital Twins Mendix Low-Code Application Development PLM Components Software Development Toolkits Electrical Systems Capital E/E Systems Development Solid Edge ...
Opcenter Quality Control supports all quality processes on the shop floor. This starts with documenting inspection results and includes controlling production processes and supporting the necessary processes that are carried out in case of deviations. This can even include adapting inspection specifications ...
Kørsel af brugerdefinerede importerede (direkte via SSRS Web Portal) rapporter kunne ikke udføres i SCOM-konsollen med fejlenNullReferenceException. Skærmen OpsMgrDBPercentFreeSpaceMonitorrapporterede ikke den ledige plads korrekt i alle konfigurationsscenarier....