labview 中OPC server 自动变化 在labview OPC server配置中选择的OPC server是OPCDASVR.CT.1,但是打开OPC quick client 后变成National sunxp166 2019-02-24 12:53:17 NI OPC与三菱PLC Q03UDE以太网通讯遇到问题 的QUICK CLIENT,这些变量的状态(quality)一直是bad所以导致和labview无法通信上,状态是good的其他...
的QUICK CLIENT,这些变量的状态(quality)一直是bad所以导致和labview无法通信上,状态是good的其他变量,都可以通过labview读出他们的值,请问想问问大神,到底哪里有问题 laoA 2020-08-22 20:54:07 OPC Quick Client 灰色无法使用,为什么,求教。 大家看看为什么,quick client 变成灰色的,无法在线监控PLC的变量,不知道...
OPC中的quick client中的数据质量为Bad,标签读不到PLC中D寄存器的值,不知道啥原因,求大神解答,谢谢!现在想通过在NI OPC里面建立标签来连接到欧姆龙的PLC,通过网线连接(TCP协议),下面图是NI OPC配置过程,问题就是最后一张图所示 已退回6积分 回帖(9)王...
Hello everyone, I'm trying to connect a FreeOPCUA Server to the Kepware quick client. My server works fine with UAExpert but Kepware is unable to read values. It can read tags name and type. In quick client quality is bad and the value is reported as unknown in one menu and BAD VART...
OPC (OLE for Process Control) 是一种工业通讯协议的标准,用于实现不同制造商的设备和系统之间的数据交换。它主要用于工业自动化系统中。OPC标准有几个不同的规范,包括OPC DA (Data Access)、OPC UA (Unified Architecture)、OPC
Softing OPC UA Client -Exception BadUserAccessDenied Exception - BadUserAccessDenied: ClientSession.PerformStateTransit BadUserAccessDeniedBadUserAccessDenied
"Error 573) The certificate provided as a parameter is not valid." When im using UaExpert a window opens titled "Cetificate Validations" Error "BadCertificateUntrusted" and i can press "Trust Server Certificate" and its connected. ...
The quality of a given OPC tag is used to represent the validity of the tag's value (in other words, whether or not an OPC client can trust the data). OPC quality is divided into three main categories: Good (generally indicates the data is valid), Bad (generally indicates the data ...
OPC (OLE for Process Control) 是一种工业通讯协议的标准,用于实现不同制造商的设备和系统之间的数据交换。它主要用于工业自动化系统中。OPC标准有几个不同...
Include Hints When Browsing: Select Yes to allow OPC client applications to browse the address formatting Hints available for each communications driver. The Hints provide a quick reference on how a particular device's data can be addressed. This can be useful when entering dynamic tags from the...