Opal 卡是澳大利亚唯一一张免购卡费,乘客可以在机场、火车站或任何报刊亭以零成本购买,并像所有其他公交卡一样为它充值。使用Opal Travel应用程序是在旅行途中充值最简单的方式,或transportnsw.info官网上登记注册自己的Opal 卡, 开启自动充值,这样就永远也不用担心余额不足了。同时,在指定地铁站、火车站、渡轮码头...
4. Re: Opal Card 2 years ago Save Thanks! Report inappropriate content DougoOz Sydney, Australia Destination Expert for Sydney, New South Wales, Cruises 12,872 posts 232 helpful votes 5. Re: Opal Card 2 years ago Save Just make sure you have enough on the card for the tr...
Opal Cards are smartcard tickets that you can keep and reuse to pay for travel on public transport in Australia. You can get a card at any Seven-Eleven shop or any news agency. With one Opal Card, you can explore Sydney, the Blue Mountain or Bondi Beach by train, bus, ferry (渡船)...
Opal Travel is the official app for managing your travel across the Opal Network in Sydney and greater New South Wales. With Opal Travel, you can enable auto top ups, view your travel history and access other useful public transport information, all on your mobile phone. Features include: Top...
9.Re: Opal card question 1 year ago Save >You will have to travel to the far ends of theSydneyarea (150km or so) to pay anything over $10 fora one way trip (excepting airport) Sydney to Maitland or Moss Vale are $9.31. Edited: 1 year ago ...
Opal Travel is the official app for managing your travel across the public transport network in Sydney (Australia), and surrounding regions. Use the app to plan trips, top up your Opal balance, view trip and transaction history, and access other useful information all on your Apple device Opal...
Paying for transport like shopping at Amazon Go and the 'death' of the timetable as 'mobility-as-a-service' becomes the new way to travel in Sydney. Moving from planes, trains, and automobiles to 'mobility-as-a-service': A peek into the future of transport in Sydney ...
Opal Travel is the official app for managing your travel across the public transport network in Sydney (Australia), and surrounding regions. Use the app to plan trips, top up your Opal balance, view trip and transaction history, and access other useful information all on your Apple device Opal...
Take the train to Sydney Airport for $10 with Opal Reply Updated 6/3/2015 for new 2015 fares Due to the way Opal implements minimum required balances for travel, it’s possible for your Opal card to fall into having a negative balance. ...
Tap your card at an Opal card top up/vending machine If you have an Android phone with NFC, you can also use theOpal Travelapp Opal card top up and vending machine rollout continues Posted onNovember 10, 2015 2 As reported by the Sydney Morning Heraldbackin December 2014 (and hinted in...