其中,最好的公交卡卡是悉尼的Opal Card和珀斯的Smartrider Card,因为它们的票价系统、网络和火车时刻表都非常顺畅且奖励丰厚。 其次是墨尔本的Myki Card和布里斯班的Go-Card,因为它们为旅行者提供了超值的公交卡。最后是阿德莱德,小编认为阿德莱德的公交系统还有改进的空间。 「UWAI+会员计划」独享3000+澳洲本地商户活动...
An Opal card is areloadable travel cardthat gives you access to the public transport network in Sydney and regional hubs. Instead of buying single tickets for each trip, tap your Opal card on the device as you step on the bus, train or ferry. You can top up your card via the Opal Tr...
- Scan your Opal card with your device to check tap on status, account balance and weekly travel rewards (requires NFC and iOS 13 or higher) - Ask Siri to help you with your trip (requires iOS 12 or higher) - See Opal retailer locations on a map ...
使用澳宝卡Opal Card上下车刷卡,也可以找司机购买澳宝单程票。 注意:部分线路公共汽车和某些公共汽车部分时段只能用澳宝卡Opal Card,不出售单程票。使用Trip Planner:https://transportnsw.info/trip#/查询,会有提示,如下图: 渡轮Ferry 悉尼是一个海港城市。环形码头Circular Quay,是悉尼的海上门户,也是连接陆地和海上...