Andy Marken
Example Op-Ed Articles Op-ed pieces can be effective tools for getting your point across to the general public. But with your name attached to the piece, your op-ed has to be more than good -- it has to be great. Here are some examples of... Writing Letters to the Editor What...
Particles of Time: Greenwich Time Op-Ed Articles 1984-2004 [ISBN: 978-0595335114] 美国发货无法退货,约五到八周到货 作者:JohnRobben出版社:iUniverse, Inc.出版时间:2005年04月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥212.00 配送至 北京 至北京市东城区...
Op-ed是一个常见的新闻媒体术语,全称为opposite the editorial page,In a newspaper, the op-ed page is a page containing articles in which people express their opinions about things. Editorial page是由内部编辑发表评论表达观点的地方; Op-ed是由编辑部以外的外部人员,如读者或者公众人物等撰写或发表评论...
也就是一般通称的报刊上的专栏部分。 noun. (报章上与社论版位置相对的)评论版 the page in a newspaper opposite the editorial page that contains comment on the news and articles on particular subjects an op-ed piece 一篇专栏文章 op-ed是...
TCNa page in a newspaper that has articles containing opinions on various subjects, or one of these articles 〔报纸的〕专栏版/文章 Examples from the Corpus op-ed page/article• Unbooks do not even have the substance of a solid op-ed page article, which usually runs 1 / 100 as long. ...
Examples are writing op-ed articles and speaking out in public forums - now merely occasional. Using rhetoric to influence audiences comprises the bulk of daily activity for political actors, including interest groups, politicians, parties, social movements, and op-ed writers. Thus, in the stud...
网络释义 op-ed n. 1. (报章上与社论版位置相对的)评论版the page in a newspaper opposite the editorial page that contains comment on the news and articles on particular subjects 例句 释义: 全部,评论版,社论版对页,评论文章,论衡 更多例句筛选 1. indeed, they might have come from America's ...
n.(报章上与社论版位置相对的)评论版 网络读者投书 复数:op-eds 英英 网络释义 adj. 1. anop-edpieceofwritingisonethatexpressessomeone’sopinionandisprintedonthepageoppositetheeditorialsarticlesgivingthenewspaper’sofficialopinions 例句 释义: 全部,,读者投书...
The ideal op-ed is between 500 and 1,000 words long, but longer articles may be considered. We value a short pitch ahead of sending a complete piece. We’ll be in touch within 5 business days if we are interested in publishing your article. ...